The Stanley County School District, #57-1, Board
of Education met in regular session January 13, 2003, 5 P.M., in
the High School Study Hall with Gary Johnson, Mary Beth Fravel,
John Bucholz, Mitch Norman and John Moisan present. Others in
attendance were Superintendent Larry Jaske, Business Manager
Kevin Merscheim and Principals Kevin Mutchelknaus and Merry
Bleeker. Visitors were Mary Askren, Shirley Swanson, Bill
Engberg, Craig Rutschke, Wanda Seiler, Laura Snow, Carol &
Lawrence Olson, Brad Rathbun and Arlene Krueger.
President Gary Johnson called the meeting to
order at 5 P.M.
President Gary Johnson led the pledge of
Fravel moved, seconded by Moisan, to adopt the
agenda as amended. All voted aye.
Bill Engberg from the Associated School Boards
of South Dakota discussed school liability insurance risk
management issues with the Board. The ASBSD Loss Control
handbook was presented to the Board and the Administration as
reference material.
Bucholz moved, seconded by Moisan, to approve
the Consent Calendar. All voted aye.
- Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 9,
- Approve the Financial Reports
GENERAL FUND: Cash Balance, December 1, 2002
698,727.94; Receipts: Taxes 160,165.11; Interest 833.89;
Admissions 1,185.50; Insurance Proceeds 50.00; Title V
1,223.08; Misc. Revenue 307.46; Drug Free Schools 300.00;
Title II 8,988.12; Title 1 5,126.99; School To Work Grant
5,773.49; State Aid 85,091.67; Total Receipts
269,045.31; Transfers into the Account 715.65; Total
Available 968,488.90; Disbursements 87,464.16; Payroll
132,826.17; Transfer Out - 0; Cash Balance, December 31, 2002
748,198.57; CAPITAL OUTLAY: Cash Balance, December 1, 2002
(41,385.01); Receipts: Taxes 19,527.70; Interest 83.84;
Title II 25,000.00; School To Work Grant 16,521.08; Total
Receipts 61,521.08; Total Available 19,747.61;
Disbursement 20,696.75; Cash Balance, December 31, 2002
(949.14); SPECIAL EDUCATION: Cash Balance, December 1, 2002
169,976.01; Receipts: Taxes 29,774.46; Interest 149.95;
94-142 Funds 35,190.00; Preschool Grant 3,286.00; State
Aid 5,530.33; Total Receipts 73,930.74; Total Available
243,906.75; Disbursements 622.65; Payroll 21,115.83; Cash
Balance, December 31, 2002 222,168.27; UNEMPLOYMENT: Cash
Balance, December 1, 2002 19,947.05; Interest 226.47;
Total Receipts 226.47; Total Available 20,173.52;
Disbursements - 0; Cash Balance, December 31, 2002
20,173.52; FOOD SERVICE: Cash Balance, December 1, 2002
(38,895.54); Receipts: Sales 15,625.29; State Food
Reimbursement 4,592.47; Community & Youth Inv. 4,481.40;
Total Receipts 24,699.16; Total Available - (14,196.38);
Disbursements 8,235.38; Payroll 11,130.76; Cash Balance,
December 31, 2002 (33,562.52); TRUST & AGENCY FUND: Cash
Balance, December 1, 2002 347,705.77; Receipts: Interest
745.19; Resale 2,519.53; Band 222.64; Cheerleaders
227.64; Girls District Volleyball 124.41; Football Playoffs
86.15; Stanley Co. Wrestling Inv. 4,059.00; Coaches
Fundraisers 225.00; Impact Aid 120,735.00; Total Receipts
128,944.56; Transfers into the Account 496.76; Total
Available 477,147.09; Disbursements 18,162.03; Transfers
out of the Account 0; Cash Balance, December 31, 2002
- Note Budget Report
D. Approve the Regular Bills
A&Z Music, Supplies & Repairs 775.96; Ace
Hardware, Supplies 4.26; All-Around Graphics, Supplies
59.50; American Linen, Supplies 461.08; Amoco, Gas 556.56;
Anderson Tire Co., Repairs 25.20; Auto Owners, Auto Insurance
436.59; Shari Beeghly, Mileage 501.12; Best Business
Products, Repairs 141.00; Lila Briggs, Supplies 324.00;
Buhls, Supplies 41.18; Bureau of Administration, Telephone
115.13; Bureau of Education, Registration 660.00; 22X, Prof.
Services & Supplies 997.50; Cass Clay, Food 1,408.43;
Cellular One, Cell Phones 115.07; Chandlers, Repairs 80.00;
Chase Roofing, Repairs 139.74; Child and Adult Nutrition
Service, Food 187.55; Christy Lumber, Repairs 161.83; Cole
Paper, Supplies 4,446.98; Comfort Inn, Lodging 180.00;
Conoco, Gas 16.31; Department of Corrections, Inmate Labor
68.00; Crossroads, Lodging 520.00; Dakota Supply Group,
Repairs 581.82; Earthgrains, Food 276.40; Elite Business
Systems, Supplies 120.00; Kathy Ellenbecker, Prof. Services
2,087.84; William Ellwanger, Meals 69.00; Envirotech Waste
Services, Waste Disposal 1,155.68; Forell Limo Service, Bus
Charter 754.00; City of Fort Pierre, Utilities 5,607.01;
Friendship House, Supplies 78.65; Gales Gas Service, Propane
557.48; GFG Food Service, Food 2,960.21; Glass Products,
Repairs 67.35; Glencoe/McGraw Hill, Textbooks 132.82; Golden
West Telephone, Telephone 150.24; Growing Up Together,
Registration 60.00; Harkers, Food 700.59; Hipple Printing,
Minutes & Advertising 117.60; Hogens Hardware, Supplies
21.95; Holiday Inn, Lodging 140.00; Hollywood Box Office,
Postage 368.99; Guy Hunter, Meals 46.00; Larry Jaske,
Supplies 57.96; Kleins Office Furniture, Supplies 109.00;
Kleins Office Plus, Supplies 189.94; Larrys Plumbing,
Repairs 3,898.00; Master Card, Supplies 357.60; McLeods
Printing, Supplies 816.58; Monick Pipe, Repairs 17.25;
Montana Dakota Utilities, Utilities 4,484.07; Todd And Deb
Mortenson, Mileage 75.40; Olson Plumbing, Repairs 609.01;
Oriental Trading, Supplies 49.20; Overpass Consulting, Prof.
Services 1,750.00; Perfection Learning, Textbooks 323.14;
Perma-Bound, Library Media 27.98; 22X, Prof. Services
5,072.50; Pierre School District, Prof. Services & Registration
781.80; Prairie Wave, Telephone 37.51; Praxair, Supplies
278.02; Qwest, Telephone 384.08; Ramkota Inn, Lodging 79.00;
Geoffrey Reed, Meals 22.00; Reinhart, Food 2,118.38;
Resources For Reading, Supplies 20.00; Rigby Education,
Textbooks 840.48; Right Turn, Tuition 505.02; Robins Water
Condting, Water 99.45; Runnings, Supplies 119.99; SDHSAA,
Registration 65.20; Sargent-Welch, Supplies 1,032.76; School
Specialty, Supplies 105.54; Security Locksmith, Supplies
256.28; Small Engine House, Supplies 216.55; Social Studies
School Services, Textbooks 108.99; Software Services, Repairs
585.00; SD Teacher Placement Center, Membership 310.00;
South Dakota State University, Registration 22.00; 22X, Prof.
Services 7,210.34; Stanley County Booster Club, Ticket Seller
238.88; Stanley County Schools, Imprest Expenses 3,684.22;
State Publishing, Supplies 214.46; Robin Stoner, Mileage
19.14; Titze Electric, Repairs 1,658.79; Town & Ranch Market,
Supplies & Food 562.49; Walmart, Supplies 235.39; West
Central Electric, Utilities 324.59; WR/LJ Rural Water, Water
52.50; Youngberg & Sons, Supplies 50.00; Zander Auto Parts,
Supplies 41.98; GRAND TOTAL BILLS APPROVED $73,514.79. (A more
detailed listing is in the Administration Office of the
Elementary Building.
E. Note Imprest Expenses
Region VII Music, Entry Fees 130.00; SD Music
Educators, All State Tapes 20.00; Carrie Behm, Background
Check 39.00; DCI, Background Check 78.00; Ann Keller,
Background Check 39.00; Mitch Norman, Mileage 243.60;
Stanley Co. Register Of Deeds, Filing Fees 10.50; Clint
Menning, Official 50.00; David Brooks, Official 60.00; Brian
Doherty, Official 195.00; Noel Gabriel, Official 140.00;
Randy Mc Crea, Official 60.00; Terry Nebelsick, Official
127.86; Brett Sether, Official 110.00; David Tate, Official
100.00; Randy Thomas, Official 133.66; Scott Van Den Hemel,
Official 95.00; Myron Bryant, Official 60.00; Steve Rounds,
Official 60.00; Larry Jaske, Official 80.00; Cheryl Allen,
Official 100.00; Pam Hegre, Official 100.00; Bonnie Miller,
Official 100.00; Shavonne Mitchell, Official 100.00; Rose
Pearce, Official 207.30; Vermillion School, Entry Fees
50.00; Wagner School, Entry Fees 30.00; TOTAL IMPREST EXPENSES
- Approve Contract Ron Lawrence Asst Boys Basketball
Coach - $1.00
President Gary Johnson outlined the revisions to
the proposed School Board Member Ethics policy. The Board
reviewed and discussed all the items being proposed and
suggested further revisions. The second reading of the policy
and public discussion will occur at the February Board meeting.
Bucholz moved, seconded by Norman, to adopt the
first reading of the proposed School Board Members Ethics
policy. All voted aye.
Superintendent Larry Jaske presented athletic
training rules from other schools and compared them to the
Stanley County athletic training rules policy. The reporting
process and due process hearings for students were discussed.
The Stanley County Coaches Association will be given the same
information and will be asked for suggestions. This proposal
will again be reviewed at the March Board meeting.
The Board recognized Laura Snow for being
selected as the South Dakota Director Who Makes A Difference by
the international publication, School Band and Orchestra. Laura
Snow, Heidi Vogel and Daniell Deis were acknowledged for
performing at the Missouri River Bridge Dedication for
Lieutenant John C. Waldron on December 30, 2002.
Superintendent Larry Jaske presented graphs for
the No Child Left Behind Act, reporting the levels of
advanced, proficient, basic and below basic levels for reading
and math based on recent student test scores. The grade levels
reviewed were for the second, fourth, eighth and eleventh
Principal Merry Bleeker reported that during the
January early dismissal, the reading curriculum was studied.
Sample textbooks are being reviewed from six different textbook
companies to be purchased this spring. Report cards will be sent
home on January 21. Jenifer Palmer will host a DDN presentation
of Elementary Hands On Math on January 21, Dave Patton will be
administering the NAEP tests for reading and math for the fourth
grade on January 27, 2003.
Principal Kevin Mutchelknaus reported the NAEP
test will be administered to the eighth grade on January 28.
Students for the month of December were Will Vogel, Chad
Wieczorek, Nate Smith and Jason Cornelison. Brittany Kenzy was
the winner of the VFW, "Patriots Pen" essay contest. Shirley
Swanson, Carla King and Stanley County students will be
recognized on February 23 for their work on the Fallen Sons and
Daughters of South Dakota in World War II book. A copy will be
placed in the high school library for future reference. The end
of the first semester is January 15. During the early dismissal
for January, the staff studied the reading curriculum and the
testing for the No Child Left Behind Act.
Moisan moved, seconded by Fravel, to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION #5-2003 Be it resolved, the School
Board of the Stanley County School District #57-1, in accordance
with SDCL 13-7-10, hereby approves the next school board
election date as June 17, 2003. Voter registration, absentee
voting, and procedures used in counting ballots shall be in
accordance with Title 12 except as specifically provided in SDCL
13-7. The Stanley County School Board in accordance with SDCL
13-7-11, hereby approves the following voting precincts and
polling places for the 2003 school board election:
Precinct #1 Orton School
Precinct #3 Kirley Hall
Precinct #12 & #14 Hayes School
Precinct #2, #4, #5, #6 and #9 Stanley County High School
All voted aye.
Fravel moved, seconded by Norman, to designate
the First National Bank as a depository for the Stanley County
Schools. Johnson, Norman, Fravel and Bucholz voted aye. Moisan
voted no.
Norman moved, seconded by Bucholz, to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION #6-2003 Be it resolved, that the
School Board of the Stanley County School District #57-1, in
accordance with SDCL 13-11-3.2 and after duly considering the
proposed supplemental budget, hereby approves and adopt the
following supplemental budget in total;
General Fund |
Appropriations: |
1193.06 Professional Services |
$4,430.25 |
Total Appropriations |
$4,430.25 |
Means of Finance: |
4185 School To Work Grant |
$4,430.25 |
Total Means of Finance |
$4,430.25 |
Capital Outlay Fund |
Appropriations: |
1193.04 Equipment Industrials Arts |
$14,410.00 |
1193.06 Equipment Home Ec. |
$63,405.00 |
Total Appropriations |
$77,815.00 |
Means of Finance: |
4185 School To Work Grant |
$77,815.00 |
Total Means of Finance |
$77,815.00 |
All voted aye.
Moisan moved, seconded by Norman, to set the
time of the 2003 Stanley County High School Graduation at 12
noon (CDT) on May 25, 2003. All voted aye.
Superintendent Larry Jaske reported BankWest of
Pierre will purchase a new public address system for Parkview.
The American State Bank will purchase the new framing for the
class composite pictures in the hallway of the high school
building. The repair of the bleachers in Parkview and the Ole
Williamson field were discussed and some possible fundraising
efforts that could be used to raise necessary funds. A survey of
athletic admission prices of schools throughout the state was
presented to the Board. The safety inspection for the lunchroom
completed on January 13 was a ninety-six (96) percent approval
rating. The Associated School Board of South Dakota Legislative
Day will be January 21. The enrollment committee will meet on
January 15. The Superintendents Legislative Day will be
February 5, 2003. The new Junior Achievement program for fourth
grade was discussed with the Board.
Moisan moved, seconded by Norman, to go into
executive session according to SDCL 1-25-2 for personnel reasons
at 8:47 P.M. All voted aye.
President Gary Johnson declared the Board out of
executive session at 9:34 P.M.
Bucholz moved, seconded Moisan, to acknowledge
the notification from Brian Doherty of the local National Guard
Unit that he may be requesting a leave of absence for military
service. Brian Doherty will continue to receive benefits from
the Stanley County School District in the form of guaranteed
employment and reinstatement at current salary levels as per the
Uniform Services and Re-Employment Services Act when he
All voted aye.
Norman moved, seconded by Fravel, to adjourn at
9:35 P.M. All voted aye.