The Stanley County School District,
#57-1, Board of Education met in regular session March 12,
2001, 5:30 P.M., in the study hall of the high school building
with Charlene Foster, Steve Brown, John Bucholz, Gary Johnson
and Mary Beth Fravel present. Others in attendance were
Superintendent Jerry Kleinsasser, Business Manager Kevin
Merscheim and Principals Tony Glass and Denise Gebur.
Visitors were Sara Hagen-Eberhard, Shirley Swanson, Jo
Mikkelsen, Jerry Mikkelsen, Diane Rheborg, Kelly Hollenbeck,
Ellen Lee, Jennifer Milliken, Marsha Davenport, Kathy Petra,
Karen Gallagher, Linda Taylor, John Moisan and Tony Mangan.
The meeting was called to order by
President Charlene Foster at 5:30 P.M.
President Charlene Foster led the
pledge of allegiance.
Fravel moved, seconded by Brown, to
adopt the agenda. All
voted aye.
Brown moved, seconded by Bucholz, to
approve the Consent Calendar as amended.
All voted aye.
the minutes of the regular meeting of February 12, 2001
the Financial Reports
GENERAL FUND: Cash Balance, February
1, 2001 589,493.41; Receipts: Taxes 43,438.50;
Interest 965.45; Admissions 2,210.30; Misc. Revenue
59.86; Rentals 50.00; State Aid 95,358.33; State
Apportionment 38,326.72; Total Receipts 183,409.16;
Transfers into the Account 1,979.52; Total Available
774,882.09; Disbursements 150,463.94; Payroll
144,360.36; Transfer Out - 0; Cash Balance, February 28, 2001
480,057.79; CAPITAL OUTLAY: Cash Balance, February 1, 2001
99,596.76; Receipts: Taxes 1,043.82; Interest 0;
Total Receipts 1,043.82; Transfers into the Account 0;
Total Available 100,640.58; Disbursement 3,020.63;
Cash Balance, February 28, 2001 97,619.95; SPECIAL
EDUCATION: Cash Balance, February 1, 2001 164,588.60;
Receipts: Taxes 1,679.52; Interest 523.47; State Aid -
4,896.17; Total Receipts 7,099.16; Transfers into the
Account 0; Total Available 171,687.76; Disbursements
6,277.48; Payroll 20,553.85; Cash Balance, February
28, 2001 144,856.43; UNEMPLOYMENT: Cash Balance, February
1, 2001 19,040.09; Interest 0; Total Receipts 0;
Total Available 19,040.09; Disbursements 0; Cash Balance,
February 28, 2001 19,040.09; FOOD SERVICE: Cash Balance,
February 1, 2001 (62,019.58); Receipts: Sales
10,212.80; Food Reimbursement 21,190.97; Community &
Youth Inv. 3,088.80; Total Receipts 34,492.57;
Transfer into the Account 110.48; Total Available
(27,416.53); Disbursements 11,340.75; Payroll
10,378.24; Cash Balance, February 28, 2001 (49,135.52);
TRUST & AGENCY FUND: Cash Balance, February 1, 2001
527,639.26; Receipts: Interest 2,071.31; Resale
4,059.99; FCCLA 104.00; Bright Ideas 239.00; Region
Wrestling 2,289.00; Region Gymnastics 525.00; Big Dakota
Wrestling 740.00; District Boys Basketball 1,508.00;
Coaches Fundraisers 228.00; District Girls Volleyball
475.00; Total Receipts 12,239.30; Transfers into the
Account 65.97; Total Available
539,944.53; Disbursements 17,660.14; Transfers Out
0; Cash Balance, February 28, 2001 552,284.39.
Budget Report
Approve the Regular Bills
A&Z Music, Repairs 257.85;
Abbot Nervig Travel, Travel 457.50; Accel Computer, Inc.,
Supplies 117.00; All-Around Ts and Trophies, Supplies
61.00; American Linen Supply, Supplies 268.57; Amoco,
Gas 681.48; Anderson Tire Co., Repairs 34.60; 22X,
Travel 803.33; Association of School Business Officials,
Membership 135.00; Auto Owners Insurance, Insurance
335.03; Bakers Plays, Supplies 124.35; Best Business
Products, Supplies & Repairs 568.52; Buhls,
Supplies 52.42; Glennys Case, Meals 34.00; Cellular
One, Phone 50.30; Cellular One-Pierre, Supplies 49.98;
Child and Adult Nutrition Services, Food 102.80; Christy
Lumber, Supplies 64.04; Cole Paper, Supplies 1,588.42;
Comfort Inn, Travel 59.00; Country General, Supplies
34.72; Dakota Supply Group, Repairs 88.49; Data Comm
Warehouse, Supplies 260.00; Days Inn, Travel 225.00;
Dean Foods, Food 1,836.02; Elite Business Systems, Repairs
399.75; Envirotech Waste Services, Waste Disposal
550.84; Michael Falconer, Travel 94.50; Food Service of
America, Food 2,515.31; Forell Limo Service, Bus
772.80; City of Fort Pierre, Utilities 5,199.14; Samuel
French, Supplies 45.00; Gales Gas, Utilities -
1,789.60; GFG Food Service, Food 3,341.88; Glass Products,
Repairs 306.01; Golden West Telephone, Telephone 214.98; Harkers, Food 1,141.52; Hipple Printing,
Minutes & Advertising 66.57;
Hollywood Box Office, Postage -
451.62; HR Direct, Supplies 19.90; The
Instrumentalist Co., Awards 85.99; Kenzy Construction,
Snow Removal 1,520.00;
Kmart, Supplies 125.91; M&T Fire and Safety,
Repairs 8.50; May-Adam-Gerdes-Thompson, Prof. Services
264.35; McLeod USA, Telephone 70.30; Metz Baking, Food
386.06; Micro Warehouse, Supplies 4,395.55; Montana Dakota
Utilities, Natural Gas 18,133.59; Nystrom Electric,
Repairs 2,657.96; Pepper at Eckroth, Supplies 172.98;
Perfection Learning, Supplies 216.27; Photos to Go, Prof.
Services 4.89; 22X, Prof. Services 1,092.50; Pierre School
District, Registration 20.00; Praxair, Supplies 84.68;
Qwest, Telephone 417.76; Qwestcomm Services, Equipment
2,698.00; Ramada Inn, Travel 216.00; Ramkota Inn, Travel
279.93; Reubes Welding, Repairs 10.93; Right Turn,
Tuition 787.39; Robins Water Condting, Water
53.30; William Rose, Fingerprinting 39.00; SD Library
Association, Membership 17.50; Safe Dakota, Alarm
Maintenance 25.00; Scholastic Software Club, Supplies
179.60; SD ASBO, Registration 40.00; SD Council of
Teachers, Registration 65.00; Laura Snow, Travel
111.28; Speed Stitch, Supplies 46.61; 22X, Prof. Services
3,190.21; Stanley County Booster Club, Ticket Sellers
231.04; Stanley County Schools, Imprest 9,442.54; State
Publishing, Supplies 299.12; Diane Stofferahn, Travel
110.50; Sundance, Supplies 187.04; Super 8 Motel, Travel
47.59; Telescan Satellite, Prof. Services 2,445.00;
Town & Ranch Market, Supplies 561.22; USPO, Postage
55.00; Walmart, Supplies 107.06; West Central
Electric, Utilities 381.60; 22X, Travel 198.94; HW
Wilson Co., Periodicals 259.00; The Wright Group, Supplies
346.50; GRAND TOTAL BILLS APPROVED $77,288.03.
(A more detailed listing is in the Administration
Office of the Elementary Building.
Imprest Expenses
Brenda Bak, Supplies 33.76;
Region VII Music, Entry Fees 119.00; SDSU Music
Department, Registration 44.00; SDAESP, Registration
75.00; Joel Schwader, Speaker 250.00; John Burchill,
Official 40.00; Pam Cwach, Official 30.00; William
Ellwanger, Official 130.00; Michael Falconer, Official
45.00; Mark Gageby, Official 100.00; Guy Hunter, Official
90.00; Gloria Lawrence, Official 360.00; William
Olander, Official 55.00; Jami Olson, Official 60.00;
Todd Palmer, Official 135.00; Frank Schaefbauer, Official
55.00; Wayne Schaefbauer, Official 55.00; Sarah
Seamands, Official 25.00; Bret Sether, Official
110.00; Dave Tate, Official 30.00; David Titze, Official
50.00; Terry Tople, Official 410.00; Craig Heller,
Meals 567.00; Philip High School, Entry Fees 50.00;
Nicki Abels, Meals 226.00; Nikole Pederson, Meals
46.00; Dusti Deal, Official 90.00; Amber Gloe, Official
10.00; Gene Hove, Official 50.00; Joyce Larsen,
Official 40.00; Karisa Magee, Official 10.00; Ashley
Sargent, Official 40.00; Lehla Peitz, Official 50.00;
Renae Phinney, Official 81.90; Lee Rowse, Official
200.00; Sully Buttes Schools, Entry Fees 65.00; Taylor
Publishing, Yearbook Deposit 2,100.00; South Dakota State
University, Fees 15.00; TOTAL IMPREST EXPENSES
Falconer Counselor - $10,652.35
G. Approve Letter of Intent
Lori Norman,
Teacher Assistant - $6.45
Wilma Staples, Teacher Assistant - $6.45
H. Approve Resignation
Austad Teacher Assistant
Kelly Hollenbeck, representing
parents of eight graduating seniors, requested the use of the
balcony in Parkview for graduation parties.
The parents will help move the bleachers, set up tables
and help with the cleanup.
The Board discussed the need for a policy for future
use of the Parkview balcony for graduation parties.
Johnson moved, seconded by Bucholz,
to approve the request to use the Parkview balcony for the
graduation parties. All
voted aye.
Ellen Lee, Karen Gallagher and Kathy
Petra discussed the free services of an athletic trainer for
the Stanley County and Pierre Schools.
These services have been provided since 1997 and are
sponsored by the St. Marys Outreach Center.
Services include evaluation and care of injuries,
prevention of injuries, nutrition counseling, and promotion of
communication between the athletes, parents and coaches.
The Board expressed their appreciation to all involved
for the services provided to the students of the Stanley
County School District.
Diane Rheborg advised a scholarship
in memory of Launie Rheborg would be established.
The money given in memorial for Launie will be awarded
to a senior football athlete from Stanley County High School. Jeff and Diane Rheborg requested a traveling trophy be
awarded to the recipient at the athletic banquet each year. Jeff and Diane will be working with football coach David Tate
and Athletic Director William Ellwanger to set the guidelines
for the scholarship and for the selection each year of a
recipient until the fund is depleted.
The Board thanked Diane and Jeff for this scholarship
opportunity for the students of Stanley County.
John Moisan, representing the Stanley
County Parents Organization, reported parent volunteers would
help with the third grade reading project and the SAT testing
which will be March 26, 27 and 28.
It was reported that classroom tours could be arranged
through Dwane Russell of the womens prison in Pierre.
The organization requested approval to proceed with the
sign project for the Parkview building and the Board
authorized the sign be attached to the building. The Board also authorized the organization to sell raffle
tickets at the school carnival on April 6.
The administration reported the parent volunteers for
school committees would be contacted in the near future and
meeting dates will be set.
Superintendent Jerry Kleinsasser
reported that it has been suggested to surplus the vacant
buildings at the New Liberty School site.
It was recommended to place this proposal on the April
board meeting agenda for final consideration, which would
allow for any public discussion.
Business Manager Kevin Merscheim
reported the results of the quotations received from two
companies to refinance the original 1991 capital outlay
certificates at a lower interest rate.
The Ameritas Investment Corporation would generate an
interest savings of approximately $33,000 while the Evensen
Dodge Investment Advisors would only save approximately
$15,000. It was
recommended to contract with the Ameritas Investment
Corporation and require a minimum savings at the time of sale
of the certificates of $25,000 or more.
Brown moved, seconded by Fravel, to
authorize President Charlene Foster to sign the agreement with
the Ameritas Investment Corporation to refinance the capital
outlay certificates for a minimum savings to the school
district of $25,000. All
voted aye.
Principal Denise Gebur reported the
elementary schools calendar of events for the next thirty
days. Puberty classes for the fourth and fifth grades will be March
12, the guided reading service training will be March 13,
there will be no school on March 16, report cards will be sent
home on March 19, the technology committee will meet on March
20, March 21 will be the agriculture in the classroom for the
fourth grade, parent teacher conferences will be March 26 and
27 and the school carnival will be April 6.
Planning for the Lewis and Clark celebration has begun;
students have been using the V-Tel equipment for distance
learning classes and reported the student enrollment for the
Hayes school could decrease for the 2001-2002 school year.
Principal Tony Glass reported the
National Honor Society dinner will be March 13, the high
school small band group will be in Murdo on March 13, the 11th
annual Academic Olympics will be March 14, the high school
large group band contest will be in Murdo on March 20, parent
teacher conferences will be March 26 and 27, SAT testing will
be March 26, 27 and 28. The
block scheduling surveys are completed, and the block
scheduling committee will review the results.
Registration for classes for the 2001-2002 school year
will begin in the near future.
The Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary will present
flags to the school on March 13, and the state student council
meeting will be in Pierre on March 25, 26 and 27.
Superintendent Jerry Kleinsasser
reported the results of state legislation for education this
year. House bill 1258 amends the payment of state aid in
conjunction with fund balance reserves over twenty percent. House bill 1139 adjusts the mill levies maximums for
2001-2002 school year.
Superintendent Jerry Kleinsasser
reported the results of the fire and life safety survey
conducted in February. A
written response will be made to the State Fire Marshall on
the recommended changes and improvements from this report.
The Board appointed Mary Beth Fravel
to the Stanley County Board of Equalization with the alternate
being Charlene Foster.
The Board appointed Steve Brown and
John Bucholz to the negotiations committee for this spring
with the first meeting planned for April 2, 2001.
Superintendent Jerry Kleinsasser
reported the annual Associated School Boards of South Dakota
legislative meeting will be March 22 at the Ramkota in Pierre.
Brown moved, seconded by Bucholz, to
go into Executive Session according to SDCL 1-25-2 at 7:05
P.M. for personnel reasons.
All voted aye.
President Charlene Foster declared
the Board out of Executive Session at 9:07 P.M.
Johnson moved, seconded by Bucholz,
to adjourn at 9:08 P.M. All
voted aye.