The Stanley County School
District, #57-1, Board of Education met in regular session
February 12, 2001, 5:30 P.M., in the study hall of the high
school building with Charlene Foster, Mary Beth Fravel, Steve
Brown, John Bucholz and Gary Johnson present. Others in
attendance were Superintendent Jerry Kleinsasser, Administrative
Assistant Karen Sharp and Principals Denise Gebur and Tony
Glass. Visitors
were Sara Hagen-Eberhard, Shirley Swanson, Jo Mikkelsen, Craig
Rutschke, Dave and Dee Mammenga, Julie Jeffries, Marsha
Davenport, Kathy LaPlante, Jim Gillaspie, Judy Gillaspie, George
Welch, Tony Mangan, John Moisan, Abraham Lincoln, a/k/a George
Welsh, Dorothy Fischer, Heidi ODaniel and Dustin Boes.
The meeting was called to
order by President Charlene Foster at 5:30 P.M.
President Charlene Foster led
the pledge of allegiance.
Johnson moved, seconded by
Brown, to adopt the agenda.
All voted aye.
Brown moved, seconded by
Bucholz, to approve the Consent Calendar as amended.
All voted aye.
Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 8,
2001 and Special Meetings January 9, 10, 11, 12, 17 and January
30, 2001
Approve the Financial Reports
GENERAL FUND: Cash Balance,
January 1, 2001 598,989.59; Receipts: Taxes 27,755.22;
Interest 4,743.66; Admissions 2,254.11; Misc. Revenue
497.00; State Aid 95,358.33; Class Size Reduction
5,127.61; Title 1 500.00; Total Receipts 136,235.93;
Transfers into the Account 2,804.38; Total Available
738,029.90; Disbursements 29,263.50; Payroll 119,272.99;
Transfer Out - 0; Cash Balance, January 31, 2001 598,493.41;
CAPITAL OUTLAY: Cash Balance, January 1, 2001 106,194.86;
Receipts: Taxes 1,950.88; Interest 702.72; Total
Receipts 2,653.60; Transfers into the Account 0; Total
Available 108,848.46; Disbursement 9,251.70; Cash
Balance, January 31, 2001 99,596.76; SPECIAL EDUCATION: Cash
Balance, January 1, 2001 172,977.09; Receipts: Taxes
2,997.16; Interest 731.83; State Aid
4,896.17; Total Receipts 8,625.16; Transfers into the
Account 0; Total Available 187,602.25; Disbursements
4,236.18; Payroll 18,777.47; Cash Balance, January 31, 2001
164,588.60; UNEMPLOYMENT: Cash Balance, January 1, 2001
19,040.09; Interest 0; Total Receipts 0; Total Available
19,040.09; Disbursements 0; Cash Balance, January 31, 2001
19,040.09; FOOD SERVICE: Cash Balance, January 1, 2001
(57,059.94); Receipts: Sales 9,960.99; Food Reimbursement
0; Community & Youth Inv. 2,560.52; Total Receipts
12,521.51; Transfer into the Account 0; Total Available
(44,538.43); Disbursements 7,780.78; Payroll
9,700.37; Cash Balance, January 31, 2001 (62,019.58);
TRUST & AGENCY FUND: Cash Balance, January 1, 2001
515,112.94; Receipts: Interest 2,343.01; Resale
3,987.95; Big Dakota Volleyball 449.00; FCCLA 101.50;
Band 5,380.83; Stanley Co. Wrestling Inv. 35.00; Holiday
Hoopla 7,037.36; Kids In Need 75.00; Coaches
Fundraisers 432.00; One Act Plays Fees 569.80; Impact
Aid 3,451.19; Total Receipts 23,862.64; Transfers into
the Account 8,926.45; Total Available 547,902.03;
Disbursements 18,462.77; Transfers Out 0; Cash Balance,
January 31, 2001 529,439.26.
Note Budget Report
Approve the Regular Bills
A&Z Music, Supplies
428.00; Nicki Abels, Fingerprinting 39.00; Accel Computer,
Inc., Supplies 24.99; American Linen Supply, Supplies
490.13; American News, Superintendent Search 109.32; Amoco,
Gas 1,201.20; ASBSD, Registration 30.00; ASBSD,
Workmans Comp. Insurance 1,180.00; Mary Austad,
Superintendent Search 134.80; Avera Pace, Prof. Services
120.00; Shari Beeghly, Mileage 222.72; Best Business
Products, Supplies 1,739.59; Blue Ribbon Maintenance,
Supplies 181.55; Buhls, Supplies 62.86; Bureau of
Administration, Microfilm & Telephone 106.77; Bureau of
Education, Registration 169.00; Capital Sports, Supplies
140.00; Chandlers, Repairs 10.00; Chateau Lounge,
Superintendent Search 158.05; Chemical Sanitizing, Supplies
140.29; Child and Adult Nutrition Services, Food 202.04;
Christy Lumber, Supplies 42.74; Chuck Wagon Cafι,
Superintendent Search 62.10; Class. Com., Tuition 266.00;
Classroom, Inc., Supplies 541.90; Country General, Supplies
30.98; Dakota Sports, Supplies 1,279.90; Dakota Supply
Group, Repairs 210.78; Daktronics, Repairs 68.58; Dakota
Laminating, Supplies 73.32; Dean Foods, Food 2,176.39;
Pam Durkin, Fingerprinting 39.00; Eddies Truck Sales,
Repairs 118.55; Empire Inn, Travel 47.95; Envirotech
Waste Services, Waste Disposal 1,147.60; Food Service of
America, Food 2,730.98; Forell Limo Service, Bus 745.20;
City of Fort Pierre, Utilities 4,818.57; Gales Gas,
Utilities - 1,644.60; GFG Food Service, Food 3,563.12; Glass
Products, Repairs 197.10; Glencoe/McGraw Hill, Textbooks
292.72; Globe Fearon, Textbooks 446.65; Golden West
Telephone, Telephone 222.38; Gray Lines, Bus Charter
1,351.60; H&H Repair, Repairs 51.84; William Hakonson,
Superintendent Search 210.08; Richard and Arlette Hall,
Parent Mileage 1,009.20; Harcourt Brace Jovanovic, Supplies
14.92; Harkers, Food 1,435.04; Christopher Harrison,
Parent Mileage 706.44;
Hipple Printing, Minutes & Advertising 231.57;
Holiday Inn Express, Superintendent Search 91.00; Hollywood
Box Office, Postage - 619.09;
Inacom, Supplies 206.83; Dana and Annis Iverson, Parent
Mileage 997.60; Larry Jaske, Superintendent Search 34.80;
Mary Ellen Johnson, Superintendent Search 83.86; Lura
Kirkpatrick, Fingerprinting 39.00; Kleins Office Plus,
Supplies 79.14; LJ Tech Systems, Supplies 118.00;
May-Adam-Gerdes-Thompson, Prof. Services 461.81; McLeod USA,
Telephone 79.80; McPherson & Jacobson, Superintendent
Search 4,033.36; Loretta McQuistion, Parent Mileage
605.52; Melvins Flower Shop, Flowers 30.00; MENC
Publication Sales, Membership 75.00; Metz Baking, Food
331.90; Microfix, Supplies 32.95; Micro Warehouse, Supplies
1,301.83; Montana Dakota Utilities, Natural Gas
8,722.89; Todd and Deb Mortenson, Parent Mileage 808.06;
Moss Enterprises, Equipment 160.75; Kevin Mutchelknaus,
Superintendent Search 2,799.15; Lori Norman, Parent Mileage
876.96; Mork and Robin Norman, Parent Mileage 498.80;
Zay Norman, Parent Mileage 100.92; NTC Contemporary,
Textbooks 1,018.17; Olson Plumbing, Repairs 855.34; Tim
and Diane Olson, Parent Mileage 288.84; Nikole Pederson,
Fingerprinting 39.00; Pegler/Sysco, Food 91.55; Peitz
Heating, Repairs 318.90; Phillips 66, Gas 39.98;
Photography By Debby, Supplies 48.00; 22X, Prof. Services
2,552.50; Pierre School District, Reading Recovery
1,083.00; Pizza Ranch, Superintendent Search 122.97;
Praxair, Supplies 169.18; Arlen Prince, Parent Mileage
201.84; Dwayne and Dori Prince, Parent Mileage 605.52; Qwest,
Telephone 365.25; Qwest, Equipment 2,859.88; Renaissance
Learning, Supplies 287.56; Right Turn, Tuition 419.50;
Jeff and Wendi Roberts, Parent Mileage 454.14; Robins
Water Condting, Water 121.20; William Rose, Computer
Software 21.00; Safe Dakota, Alarm Maintenance 25.00;
Scott Foresman, Textbooks 2,701.23; Karla and Kevin Scott,
Parent Mileage 789.50; Todd Scott, Tuition 208.80; Sonya
Sherwood, Parent Mileage 465.74; Kathleen Siebrasse,
Fingerprinting 39.00; Software House International, Supplies
3,651.00; Software Services, Prof. Services 81.25; Mindy
Sogaard, Fingerprinting 39.00; South Dakota Historical
Society, Supplies 10.00; Southwestern Pub., Supplies 251.42;
22X, Prof. Services 3,261.06; Robert Standiford, Prof.
Services 700.00; Stanley County Booster Club, Ticket Sellers
430.56; State Publishing, Supplies 96.62; Darla Tibbs,
Parent Mileage 498.80; Tim Tibbs, Parent Mileage 199.52;
Titze Electric, Repairs 2,573.98; Town & Ranch Market,
Supplies 463.65; Walmart, Supplies 154.20; West Central
Electric, Utilities 333.76; Western Microscope, Supplies
556.00; Jeri Wilcox, Parent Mileage 365.84; Julie
Willoughby, Fingerprinting 39.00; Word Book, Supplies
749.00; Zander Auto Parts, Repairs 44.63; GRAND TOTAL BILLS
APPROVED $86,260.17. (A
more detailed listing is in the Administration Office of the
Elementary Building.
Note Imprest
Walmart, Supplies 36.31;
FCCLA Leadership, Registration 39.00; Region VII Music,
Entry Fees 174.00; Pierre Schools, Registration 40.00;
Brian Doherty, Official 30.00; William Ellwanger, Official
95.00; Michael Falconer, Official 105.00; Guy Hunter,
Official 60.00; Kelly Larson, Official 30.00; Thomas
McGough, Official 96.76; William Olander, Official
40.00; Todd Palmer, Official 40.00; Geoffrey Reed, Official
60.00; Dan Rounds, Official 80.00; Frank Schaefbauer,
Official 55.00; Wayne Schaefbauer, Official 135.00;
Hillary Hanson, Official 50.00; Bonnie Miller, Official
50.00; Shavonne Mitchell, Official 50.00; Parkston High
School, Entry Fees 30.00; Paul Schreiner, Official 120.00;
Justin Tupper, Official 186.70; Lyman School, Entry Fees
35.00; Miller High School, Entry Fees 40.00; Mark Gageby,
Official 100.00; Gettysburg High School, Entry Fees
50.00; Joyce Larson, Official 70.00; Jami Olson, Official
10.00; Lehla Peitz, Official 50.00; Renae Phinney,
Official 50.00; Lee Rowse, Official 100.00; Ashley
Sargent, Official 10.00; TOTAL IMPREST EXPENSES
Approve Contracts
William Engberg Spanish -
Larry Jaske Superintendent -
The Board recognized the
following students for achieving a 4.0 grade average for the
first semester of this school year.
Chad Wieczorek
Christy Wolf
Ashley Hanson
Brenda Stoeser
Stacy Huss
Matthew Smith
Fravel moved, seconded by
Bucholz, to go into executive session according to SDCL 1-25-2
for student purposes at 5:40 P.M.
All voted aye.
President Charlene Foster
declared the Board out of executive session at 6:15 P.M.
John Moisan, representing the
Stanley County Parents Organization, recapped the events of the
drug/alcohol program on January 16.
The Standards of Conduct for Participation in
Extracurricular Activities policy in the high school student
handbook was discussed. The
Board invited all interested parties to participate when the
Board reviews these policies this spring. The parent
organization will have elections for the group next month.
President Charlene Foster
asked the group for local volunteers to read to third graders
every Wednesday and/or Thursday for thirty minutes each day.
Kristi Maher is the mentoring coordinator for this
reading program.
Principal Denise Gebur
presented the proposed special education comprehensive plan as
required by the State of South Dakota.
The Board discussed some of the items.
Brown moved, seconded by
Fravel, to adopt the proposed special education comprehensive
plan as presented. All
voted aye.
Brown moved, seconded by
Fravel, to change the 2000-2001 school calendar to have school
on March 23 because of a snow day and the funeral of Carol Melby.
All voted aye.
Superintendent Jerry
Kleinsasser reported the Board has the option to refinance the
capital outlay certificates issued for the middle school
addition at a lower interest rate.
Proposals from two companies have been received that
could saving approximately $20,000.
Johnson moved, seconded by
Bucholz, to authorize the administration to investigate the two
firms and act in the best interest of the district in selecting
a firm, which would save the school the most in interest
charges. All voted
Principal Denise Gebur
reported the elementary schools calendar of events for the
next thirty days. Valentine
parties will be in the classrooms on February 14, there will be
no school on February 19, vision screening will be February 20
and 21, the special education compliance inservice will be
February 22, the technology committee will meet on February 26
and early dismissal will be March 7 for staff development.
Board member Steve Brown
reported on the progress of the technology plan for the Stanley
County Schools. The
plan will be need driven with fast Internet access for the
country schools. Grades
on the Internet, maintenance and technical expertise are being
reviewed. The Board
suggested surveying the parents for suggestions.
The science classes for the rural students are proceeding
well, and the parents have been surveyed for any suggestions.
Principal Tony Glass reported
Mike Stensen has been chosen as alternate for United States
Senate Youth Program, which will be held March 3 through 10.
The St. Marys athletic trainer policy was reviewed.
College bound seniors test will be given on April 11, the
State of South Dakota is sponsoring the Apex learning program
that will offer advanced placement classes at no cost to the
students. Internet
based courses are being used by students for missed or failed
required classes and could be used for summer school.
The block scheduling surveys have been received from the
teachers and students and are waiting for the parent surveys.
The block scheduling committee will study the results.
Superintendent Jerry
Kleinsasser reported the current status of state legislation
effecting schools. Items
discussed were reporting in the school minutes the results of
the fire marshals report, binding arbitration and school
Superintendent Jerry
Kleinsasser reported a 21st Century Education Grant
is being applied for which is a structured after-school program.
This is a cooperative effect between the Pierre Schools,
the Pierre Indian Learning Center and the Stanley County
Schools. A public meeting will be held on February 20 at the
Pierre Indian Learning Center to answer any questions.
Brown moved, seconded by
Bucholz, to designate the First National Bank, Fort Pierre
Branch, as the school districts depository.
All voted aye.
Johnson moved, seconded by
Bucholz, to go into Executive Session according to SDCL 1-25-2
at 7:40 P.M. for personnel reasons.
All voted aye.
President Charlene Foster
declared the Board out of Executive Session at 11:45 P.M.
Johnson moved, seconded by
Fravel, because of medical problems grant elementary counselor
Curtis Wilbur a leave of absence without pay for the remainder
of the 2000-2001 school term. All voted aye
Brown moved, seconded by
Bucholz, to adjourn at 11:46 P.M.
All voted aye.