The Stanley County School District, #57-1, Board of Education met in Regular session February 11, 2013 at 5:30 P.M., in the Learning Center of the Middle High School with Sarah Carter, Gary Johnson, Nicole Prince, Tina Titze, and Rick Cronin present. Others in attendance were Superintendent Don Hotalling, Business Manager Jessi Fromm, Principals Michelle Glodt, and Timothy Hollar, and Special Education Director Krystal Simons. Visitors were : Matthew Jensen, Bob Iversen, Brian Menning, Audrey Jones, Jennifer Milliken, Shirley Swanson, Kacy Gill, Brad Stover, Dawn Stover, Levi Stover, Cade Stover, Linda Brown, Doug Boes, Ross Neilson, and Ronda Sweetman. President Carter called the meeting to order at 5:32 P.M. President Carter led the Pledge of Allegiance. Johnson moved, seconded by Titze, to adopt the agenda. All voted aye. Titze moved, seconded by Cronin, to adopt the consent Calendar. All voted aye. Approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes for January 14, 2013, and Special Board Meeting minutes for February 6, 2013. Approve Bills Dated February 11, 2013 Affections Floral and Wine, Supplies 50.00; Airtech Heating and Cooling, Repairs 2,286.51; Ameripride Services, Supplies 212.54; AT&T Mobility, Professional Services 88.83; Black Hills Teacher Job Fair, Professional Services 85.00; Blick Art Materials, Supplies 324.00; Bureau of Administration, Communications 29.05; Capital Journal, Publications, and Advertising 136.50; CensusPC, Supplies 297.46; Century Link, Communications 291.36; Channing Bete Company, Supplies 211.46; Cholik Sign Company, Supplies 100.00; Christy Lumber, Supplies 41.53; Cole Papers, Supplies 172.42; Commtech, Repairs 210.00; Cowboy Country Stores, Supplies 17.96; Crisis Prevention Institute, Professional Services 853.20; Dairy Queen, Supplies 33.02; Eddie Truck Sales, Repairs 390.28; Glass Products, Repairs 439.00; Gym Closet Catalog, Supplies 646.86; Haggertys Musicworks, Repairs 244.75; Michael and Michelle Hand, Parent Mileage 1,046.73; Hartland Paper, Supplies 971.03; Steve and Dawn Hedman, Parent Mileage 1,429.68; Hillyard, Supplies 292.32; Hogans Hardware Hank, Supplies 58.60; Jostens, Supplies and Printing 3,162.97; JW Pepper, Supplies 121.38; Knecht Home Center, Supplies -180.39; Larsen Lighting, Supplies -209.67; Marco, Professional Services, Supplies & Repairs 3,049.03; May, Adam, Gerdes & Thompson, LLP, Professional Services 210.00; Avera Medical Group, Professional Services 39.00; Pearson Assessments, Supplies 494.13; Pioneer Drama Service, Supplies 17.75; Pitney Bowes, Postage 500.00; Power System, Supplies 211.90; Praxair Distributions, Supplies 253.71; Region VII Music, Dues 99.00; Robins Water Conditioning, Supplies 7.00; Rons Repair, Repairs 313.44; Runnings, Supplies 277.15; School Administrators, Dues 150.00; School Specialty, Supplies 79.53; Security Lock Smith, Supplies 48.00; Smiths Fire Extinguisher, Supplies 323.00; South Dakota Newspaper, Advertising 590.00; South Dakota Teachers Job Fair, Professional Services -175.00; Stanley County Law, Professional Services - 130.00; Stanley County School, Imprest 5,784.91; Sunmaster Auto Glass, Repairs 105.00; Town and Ranch, Supplies & Food 359.21; United Art Education, Supplies 1,042.59; Varsity Spirit Fashions, Uniforms 144.00; Visa, Supplies 1,727.76; Wal-Mart, Supplies 351.99; WW Tire Service, Repairs 521.36; Zander Auto Parts, Repairs 446.27; Davidson Titles, Library Media 30.99; Envirotech Waste Services, Utilities 667.14; City of Fort Pierre, Utilities 7,405.98; Gales Gas Service, Utilities 294.00; McGraw Hill Companies, Textbooks 136.16; Montana Dakota Utilities, Utilities 5,775.57; Walker Refuse, Utilities 103.00; WR/LJ Rural Water, Utilities 80.00; 22x, Professional Services 2,145.07; 22x, Professional Services 1,009.70; 22x Professional Services 121.94; 22x, Travel 284.16; 22x, Professional Services 9,389.34; Pizza Ranch, Supplies 45.93; Cash-Wa Distribution, Equipment 2,384.06; HKG Architects, Professional Services, and Mileage 3,473.20; Child and Adult Nutrition, Food 389.01; Dean Food NC, Inc., Food 2,513.04; Earthgrains, Food 544.66; Reinhart Food Service, Food & Supplies 10,165.36; Servall Uniform and Linen, Supplies - 178.44;GRAND TOTAL BILLS APPROVED - $79,221.98 (A more detailed listing is in the Administration Office of the Elementary Building.) Note Capital Projects Fund Detail Note Imprest Expense BP, Gasoline 665.35; Cory Edson, Official 95.00; Dave Burnett, Official and Mileage 318.02; DCI, Background check 86.50; Derek Oliver, Official and Mileage 213.24; Hot Springs School District, Entry Fees 75.00; Jason Wenzel, Official and Mileage 173.07; Just Score It, Professional Services 150.00; Kathleen Uden, Official and Mileage 204.93; Kayla Magee, Official 135.00; Kris Dozark, Official 150.00; Louis Young, Official 95.00; Mobridge-Pollock Schoo District, Entry Fees 254.82; Parkston High School, Dues 75.00; Pierre School District, Dues 50.00; Randy Kludt, Official and Mileage 161.23; Rebecca Uhrig, Official 135.00; Ryan Kemnitz, Official & Mileage 135.00; Scott Landreaux, Official and Mileage 186.60; SD Counseling Association, Dues 190.00; SD Interscholastic Athletic ADM Assn, Dues 140.00; Shavonne Mitchell, Official 135.00; Wex Bank, Gasoline -1 890.64; Approve Financial for January 31, 2013 GENERAL FUND: Cash Balance, January 1 , 2013 859,599.37; Receipts: Taxes 15,646.31; Interest 113.38; State Aid 67,757.00; 21st Century Fees 3,569.40; 21st Century Other Revenue 300.00; State of SD, Child Care 500.90; Admissions 2,917.00; Other Revenue 327.58; Total Receipts 91,131.57; Total Available 950,730.94; Disbursements 56,929.75; Payroll 247,917.23; Fees 101.05; Reclass to another Fund 117.30; Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 645,665.61; CAPITAL OUTLAY: Cash Balance, January 1, 2013 797,755.23; Receipts: Taxes 3,348.10; Interest 346.68; Refund 80.45; Total Receipts 3,775.23; Total Available 801,530.46; Disbursement 17,804.53; Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 783,725.93; SPECIAL EDUCATION: Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 96,148.39; Receipts: Taxes 2,097.59; Interest 15.91; State of SD, Direct Medicaid 521.98; Total Receipts 2,635.48; Total Available 98,783.87; Disbursements 19,449.81; Payroll 43,364.96; Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 35,969.10; PENSION FUND: Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 136,932.79; Receipts: Taxes 545.01; Interest 60.84; Total Receipts 605.85; Total Available 137,538.64; Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 137,538.64; IMPACT AID: Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 377,285.23: Interest 166.97; Total Receipts 166.97; Total Available 377,452.20; Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 377,452.20; CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND: Cash Balance, January 1, 2013 - 4,723,614.60; Receipts: Interest 1,958.69; Total Receipts 1,958.69; Total Available 4,725,573.29; Distributions 208,989.88; Cash Balance January 31, 2013 4,516,583.41; FOOD SERVICE: Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 35,574.78; Receipts: Interest 14.13; State of SD Food 7,325.29; Food Sales 8,235.65; Milk Sales 90.50; A la Cart Sales 327.30; Account Receivables 103.47; Community Youth and Involved 4,854.00; Total Receipts 20,950.34; Total Available 56,525.12; Disbursements 13,497.22; Payroll 11,198.91; Reclass from Another 117.30; Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 31,946.29; FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS: Cash Balance, January 1, 2013 364,438.29; Receipts: Interest 48.34; Class of 2019 838.00; Class of 2013 346.00; FFA Fundraiser 227.00; NHS 50.00; Triple S 471.30; Student Council 405.15; Band Fundraiser 68.00; Girls Basketball Fundraiser 147.00; Flow Through 438.00; SC Wrestling Invite 190.00; Gymnastic Invite 175.00; Letterwinners 605.00; Gymnastic Fundraiser 876.25; Imprest 4,937.76; Total Receipts 9,822.80; Total Available 374,261.09; Disbursements 21,366.32; Cash Balance, January 31, 2013 352,894.77. Note Budget Dr. Hotalling reported on the Buildings and Grounds. The remaining of the carpet has been installed in the High School. The Maintenance Department has established a snow removal log for each building. Dr. Hotalling discussed the single entrance policy that has been put in place. Dr. Hotalling updated the Board on the JK-5 Building project. The foundation is slightly over 50% complete. The Building Committee did not have any recommendations at this time. Dr. Hotalling reported on the procedure put into place for parents who pick up their children late from the GOLD program. Mrs. Fromm gave an update on the 21st Grant application. The deadline for the application is March 1, 2013. Mrs. Glodt reported on Kindergarten Round-Up, which will be held in the evening of March 14 and the morning of March 15. The Title 1 presentation will be during parent-teacher conferences in the lunchroom on February 28, 2013 from 1:00-7:00P.M.. Mrs. Glodt proposed next year having a morning and afternoon sections of Junior Kindergarten. Mrs. Glodt gave an update on the Stanley County School Facebook account. Mr. Hollar report Mrs. Jones has created a website for the students art work. Mr. Hollar reported on the Dakota Step Testing dates, the National Principal Conference, and the NAFIS Conference he will be attending. Mr. Jensen will be doing his Principal Intership and assist in covering some duties while he is attending these conferences. Mr. Hollar discussed the progress on the School Improvement Plan, and he liked the idea of the yearbook assisting with the Stanley County School Facebook Page. Mr. Jensen reported on the winter sports season, the Regional Wrestling meet, and the State Gymnastic meet. Johnson moved, seconded by Cronin, to approve the Board Policy manual pages 3-58, with the recommendations as presented. All voted aye. Titze moved, seconded by Prince, to approve open enrollment applications 1075, and 1076. All voted aye. Prince moved, seconded by Cronin to approve the Business Manager to sign and submit the Grant Application for the 21st Century Grant Application. All voted aye. Titze moved, seconded by Prince, to adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION #8-2013 Let it be resolved, that the School Board of the Stanley County School District #57-1 transfer the following cash balance from the Impact Aid Fund to the Special Education.
FROM: Impact Aid Fund $70,544.41 All voted aye. Johnson moved, seconded by Titze, to go to Executive Session according to SDCL 1-25-2 for personnel purposes at 6:19 P.M. Carter declared the Board back in session at 7:33 P.M.
Johnson moved, seconded by
Cronin, to adjourn at 7:34 P.M. All voted aye. |
Sarah Carter,
President |