Stanley County
Special School Board Meeting
July 18, 2008

The Stanley County School District, #57-1, Board of Education met in special session July 18, 2008, 12:09 P.M. in the Superintendent’s Office of the Elementary Building with Sonny Harrowa, John Duffy, Darby Nutter, Tina Titze and Mork Norman present. Superintendent Dr. Don Hotalling and Business Manager Kevin Merscheim were also in attendance.

President Sonny Harrowa called the meeting to order at 12:09 P.M.

President Sonny Harrowa led the pledge of allegiance.

Norman moved, seconded by Titze, to go into Executive Session for student reasons according to SDCL 1-25-2 at 12:10 P.M. All voted aye.

President Sonny Harrowa declared the Board out of Executive Session at 12:18 P.M.

Duffy moved, seconded by Norman, to approve the open enrollment application for student #5700119980838. All voted aye.

Titze moved, seconded by Norman, to disapprove the open enrollment application for student #5700119980999 for excessive detentions, suspensions, or expulsions and behavior related issues. All voted aye.

Duffy moved, seconded by Titze, to approve the amended contract for Tom Rogers, Industrial Arts Teacher, in the amount of $37,254.44 and head girls basketball coach in the amount of $3,682.50 and head football coach in the amount of $2,937.50 and the amended contract for Lee Heibel, Science Teacher, in the amount of $43,609.00 and assistant football coach in the amount of $2,861.00 and for the NCA Steering Committee in the amount of $566.50. All voted aye.

Norman moved, seconded by Titze, to adjourn at 12:24 P.M. All voted aye.

Sonny Harrowa, President                                   

Kevin Merscheim, Business Manager