The Stanley County
School District, #57-1, Board of Education met in regular
session August 11, 2008, 5:30 P.M., in the Elementary Computer
Lab of the Elementary Building with Sonny Harrowa, Tina Titze
and Mork Norman present. John Duffy and Darby Nutter were
absent. Others in attendance were Superintendent Don Hotalling,
Business Manager Kevin Merscheim and Principals Brian Doherty
and Merry Bleeker. Visitors were Rebecca Bentz, Arlene Krueger,
Craig Rutschke, Shirley Swanson, Jennifer Milliken, Guy Hunter,
Tom Sogaard, Maia Surdez, Kim Doherty, Philena Edwards, Heidi
ODaniel and Linda Brown.
President Sonny Harrowa called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
President Sonny Harrowa led the pledge of allegiance.
Norman moved, seconded by Titze, to adopt the agenda as amended.
All voted aye.
Norman moved, seconded by Titze, to approve the Consent Calendar
as amended. All voted aye.
A. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 14 and
special meeting July 18, 2008.
B. Approve the Financial Reports
GENERAL FUND: Cash Balance, July 1, 2008 881,323.42; Receipts:
Taxes 92,958.80; Interest 1,328.45; Misc. Revenue 0;
Yearbooks 30.00; State Aid 91,557.00; T-CAP Reimbursement
5,600.00; Refund 108.00; Coordinated Health Grant 497.58;
Title 1 8,829.00; Title 2 387.00; Total Receipts 201,295.83;
Transfers into the Account 1,354.90; Total Available
1,083,974.15; Disbursements 154,952.26; Payroll 158,059.79;
Transfer Out 29.95; Cash Balance, July 31, 2008 770,932.15;
CAPITAL OUTLAY: Cash Balance, July 1, 2008 224,723.57;
Receipts: Taxes 2,241.30; Interest 495.96; Total Receipts
2,737.26; Total Available 227,460.83; Disbursement 7,018.92;
Cash Balance, July 31, 2008 220,441.91; SPECIAL EDUCATION:
Cash Balance, July 1, 2008 - 631,556.20; Receipts: Taxes
1,696.20; Interest 1,112.51; Total Receipts 2,808.71;
Transfers into the Account 248.00; Total Available
634,612.91; Disbursements 976.80; Payroll 17,053.01; Cash
Balance, July 31, 2008 616,583.10; PENSION FUND: Cash Balance,
July 1, 2008 11,759.85; Receipts: Taxes 406.85; Interest
27.43; Total Receipts 434.28; Total Available 12,194.13;
Payroll 0; Cash Balance, July 31, 2008 12,194.13; IMPACT
AID: Cash Balance, July 1, 2008 573,297.28; Receipts: Interest
1,027.33; Total Receipts 1,027.33; Total Available
574,324.61; Cash Balance, July 31, 2008 574,324.61; FOOD
SERVICE: Cash Balance, July 1, 2008 28,717.45; Receipts:
Interest 61.41; Sales 3,488.14; Total Receipts 3,549.55;
Total Available 32,267.00; Disbursements - 0; Payroll
4,971.30; Cash Balance, July 31, 2008 27,295.70; FIDUCIARY
ACCOUNTS: Cash Balance, July 1, 2008 345,075.13; Receipts:
Interest 471.68; Coaches Fundraisers 4,350.00; Total
Receipts 4,821.68; Transfers into the Account 0; Total
Available 349,896.81; Disbursements 1,987.54; Cash Balance,
July 31, 2008 347,909.27.
C. Note Budget Report
D. Approve the Regular Bills
AAPC, Supplies 47.95; Abilitations, Supplies 57.49; American
Linen, Supplies 33.58; ASBSD, Workmans Comp 20,510.00;
Award Decals, Supplies 253.71; BP, Gas 14.92; Band Shoppe,
Supplies 294.20; Best Business, Supplies 198.71; BMI
Educational Services, Supplies 29.98; Bureau of
Administration, Telephone 36.62; Business Education, Supplies
89.84; Capital Journal, Advertising 227.10; Capital Sports,
Supplies 1,355.00; Carolina Biological Supplies 322.98;
Cengage Learning, Textbooks 3,933.40; CEV Multimedia, Supplies
169.40; 22X, Prof. Services 5,538.30; Christy Lumber,
Repairs 534.95; Cole Paper, Supplies 192.30; Conoco, Gas
237.94; Country Carpet, Repairs 929.00; Dakota Link Access
Center, Supplies 1,531.12; Dakota State University, Training
1,992.00; Dakota Supply Group, Supplies 78.72; Envirotech
Waste Services, Waste Disposal 693.66; ETC. Publications,
Supplies 112.70; Flaghouse, Supplies 238.26; Flinn
Scientific, Supplies 4,017.05; Florida Micro, Supplies 188.13;
City of Fort Pierre, Utilities 3,293.45; FSH Communications,
Telephone 129.72; Gateway 2000, Equipment 21,765.00; Geyer
Instructional Aids, Supplies 82.90; Golden West Telephones,
Telephone 246.61; Grizzly Imports, Supplies 1,123.45;
Haggertys Musicworks, Repairs 439.45; Harves Sport Shop,
Supplies 338.75; Hauff Mid-America Sports, Supplies 547.35;
Craig Heller, Gas 88.87; Hillyard, Supplies 1,798.76;
Karls, Inc., Repairs 36.95; Kleins Office Plus, Supplies
214.46; Leidholt, McNeely & Leidholt, Repairs 226.17; Library
Video, Supplies 51.85; Linguisystems, Supplies 437.50;
Mailbox Magazine, Periodicals 29.95; NFASCO Health & Safety,
Supplies 125.28; Montana Dakota Utilities, Natural Gas
76.43; Music in Motion, Supplies 60.75; Nasco, Supplies
51.86; National Honor Society, Supplies 270.60; Bobbi Jo
Parker, Meals 87.00; Peitz Service Experts, Repairs 357.78;
Pepper At Eckroth, Registration 60.00; Performance Pathways,
Dues 659.41; Perma-Bound, Supplies 465.42; Pierre Solid
Waste, Waste Disposal 18.66; Pioneer Drama Service, Supplies
118.95; Pitsco, Supplies 912.68; Plank Road Publishing,
Supplies 248.81; Praxair, Supplies 74.91; Presidents
Education, Supplies 26.50; Prestwick House, Supplies 257.42;
Quill, Supplies 449.90; Qwest, Telephone 128.70; Ramkota
Inn, Lodging 456.00; Really Good Stuff, Supplies 15.99;
Renaissance Learning, Supplies 468.78; Riddell/All American,
Supplies 72.80; Robins Water Condting, Water 30.75;
Runnings, Supplies 209.55; Lois Russell, Mileage 17.39;
Scholastic Book Clubs, Supplies 20.65; School Specialty,
Supplies 6,930.91; Security Lock Smith, Repairs 189.40;
Service Reproductions, Supplies 238.18; Shell Fleet Plus, Gas
1,083.00; Software Services, Repairs 660.00; 22X, Prof.
Services 2,193.22; Stanley County School District, Imprest
Expenses 972.54; Stanley County Law Enforcement, Background
Checks 80.00; State Property Management, Supplies 91.00;
State Publishing, Supplies 95.55; Taylor Music, Supplies
2,123.00; Titze Electric, Repairs 1,448.28; VISA, Supplies
2,093.64; Walker Refuse, Waste Disposal 167.86; Walmart,
Supplies 21.00; Weekly Reader, Periodicals 667.04; West
Central Electric, Utilities -137.22; Janet Williams, Meals
31.00; Julie Willoughby, Meals 64.00; Workplace Technology,
Equipment 7,312.00; WR/LJ Rural Water, Water 80.00; WW Tire
Service, Repairs 23.95; Youngberg & Sons, Supplies 466.00;
GRAND TOTAL BILLS APPROVED - $107,622.29. (A more detailed
listing is in the Administration Office of the Elementary
E. Note Imprest Expenses
SDACTE, Registration 260.00; DCI, Background Checks 78.50;
Fresh Start, Gas 634.04; GRANT TOTAL 972.54.
F. Approve Contracts
Larry Shuck Social Studies Teacher - $32,025.00
Middle School Football
Coach - $2,577.75
Middle School Boys
Basketball Coach - $2,577.75
Melissa Stewart Hayes Teacher - $28,650.00
Donna Shuck Library - $32,025.00
G. Approve Amended Contract
Michelle Glodt Middle School Track Coach - $2,471.00
H. Approve Resignation
Tami Herren Educational Assistant
I. Approve Letter of Understanding
Philena Edwards Assistant Volleyball Coach -
Twenty-First Century Grant Director Tom Sogaard and Assistant
Director Maia Surdez reported that all kindergarten through
eighth grade students enrolled in the Stanley County School
District can participate in the new program. The program will
ensure a safe, educationally rich environment that will support
academic achievement beyond the school day. The program will
provide academic enrichment and remedial activities, tutoring
and mentoring programs, drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention
programs, expanded library service hours, parental involvement
and family literacy programs and recreational activities. The
programs will be presented after school, on Fridays and during
the summer months. Breakfast, lunches and snacks will be
provided during the program day. Class will be held in the
Elementary and Middle School buildings. The program will be
offered to students free until October 1 and then a nominal fee
for the program will be accessed.
Principal Merry Bleeker attended the Associated School Boards of
South Dakota Conference in Sioux Falls last week. The staff
in-service for the beginning of the year is currently being
planned. Registration of elementary students began on August 11
and classroom assignments will be made in the near future.
Principal Brian Doherty reported the results of the spring
student testing have concluded that the junior class has
achieved the annual yearly progress results and have been taken
off the alert list. All secondary staff have been hired except
for the middle school assistant football coach. Registration and
enrollment has started and transcripts are being updated.
Titze moved, seconded by Norman, to approve the open enrollment
applications for students #844, 845, 842, 843, and 847. All
voted aye.
Norman moved, seconded by Titze, to disapprove the open
enrollment application for student #841 due to excessive
absences. All voted aye.
Titze moved, seconded by Norman, to approve the three
applications for public school exemptions as presented. All
voted aye.
Business Manager Kevin Merscheim detailed the proposed 2008-2009
fiscal year budget. A detailed listing showing increases and
decreases in the budget and graphs were included.
Titze moved, seconded by Norman, to adopt the following
RESOLUTION #1-2009 Let it be resolved, that the School Board
of the Stanley County School District #57-1, after duly
considering the budget and its changes thereto, to be published
in accordance with SDCL 13-11-2, hereby approves and adopts its
proposed budget and changes thereto, to be its Annual Budget for
the fiscal year July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009. The adopted
annual budget levy requests are as follows:
General Fund $ Maximum
Mill Levy Allowed by Law
Capital Outlay $ 1.00/
per $1,000 of Total Valuation
Special Education $ 1.25/
per $1,000 of Total Valuation
Pension Fund $ 0.30/ per
$1,000 of Total Valuation
All voted aye.
Superintendent Don Hotalling requested a one-year waiver for the
alternative block schedule for the 2008-2009 school year from
the State of South Dakota, Office of the Secretary of Education.
The waiver would continue the block scheduling during the four
day school week.
Norman moved, seconded by Titze, to authorize the submission of
the waiver for the alternative block scheduling to the State of
South Dakota. All voted aye.
Titze moved, seconded by Norman, to appoint the superintendent
as the Title 9 officer for the Stanley County School District.
All voted aye.
Superintendent Don Hotalling reported the damages to the air
conditioning units on the High School and Parkview buildings is
$17,500 and will be covered by school district insurance
carrier. The flashing around the skylights are being checked for
leaks and will be repaired. The Stanley County School District
was notified of the grant award for The Wind for Schools
project. More information will be forthcoming. The new
principals office in the elementary building is near
completion. The sidewalk project for the Parkview building was
discussed with the possible inclusion of the drain pipes being
placed under the sidewalks.
Norman moved, seconded by Titze, to adjourn at 6:22 P.M. All
voted aye.