The Stanley County
School District, #57-1, Board of Education met in regular
session March 12, 2007, 5:30 P.M., in the Middle School Learning
Center with Sonny Harrowa, Darby Nutter, Mork Norman and John
Duffy present. Bridget Miller was absent. Others in attendance
were Superintendent Brad Caldwell, Business Manager Kevin
Merscheim and Principals Brian Doherty and Merry Bleeker.
Visitors were Rebecca Cruse, Paula Alexander, Kim Doherty,
Shirley Swanson, Craig Rutschke, Arlene Krueger, Guy Hunter,
Krissy L., Bailey H., Krystal Simons, Kathy Riedy, Roxanne Harms
and Laura Snow.
President Sonny Harrowa called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
Krissy L. and Bailey H. performed the national anthem.
Norman moved, seconded by Nutter, to adopt the agenda as
amended. All voted aye.
Duffy moved, seconded by Norman, to approve the Consent Calendar
as amended. All voted aye.
A. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 12,
2007, with the follow amendment: These programs are being
offered because of noncompliance with Title 9 regulations
statewide. All voted aye
B. Approve the Financial Reports
GENERAL FUND: Cash Balance, February 1, 2007 440,990.78;
Receipts: Taxes 41,113.79; Interest 836.46; Misc. Revenue
454.48; State Aid 80,796.00; State Apportionment 32,993.28;
Admissions 1,327.00; Medicaid Reimbursement 5,642.00; Refund
31.29; Total Receipts 163,194.30; Transfers into the Account
166.90; Total Available 604,351.98; Disbursements
140,228.64; Payroll 176,311.05; Transfer Out 17.45; Cash
Balance, February 28, 2007 287,794.84; CAPITAL OUTLAY: Cash
Balance, February 1, 2007 33,228.47; Receipts: Taxes
7,407.58; Interest 81.83; Total Receipts 7,489.41; Total
Available 40,717.88; Disbursement 3,023.10; Cash Balance,
February 28, 2007 37,694.78; SPECIAL EDUCATION: Cash Balance,
February 1, 2007 460,790.62; Receipts: Taxes 6,975.58;
Interest 1,211.82; Misc. Revenue 384.00; Medicaid
Reimbursement 616.00; Title VIB 9,960.70; Preschool Grant
352.50; Total Receipts 19,500.60; Total Available
480,291.22; Disbursements 5,168.02; Payroll 26,347.35; Cash
Balance, February 28, 2007 448,775.85; PENSION FUND: Cash
Balance, February 1, 2007 1,011.52; Receipts: Taxes
1,675.74: Interest 5.84; Total Receipts 1,681.58; Total
Available 2,693.10; Payroll 0; Cash Balance, February 28,
2007 2,693.10; IMPACT AID: Cash Balance, February 1, 2007
776,276.67; Receipts: Interest 2,842.64; Total Receipts
2,842.64; Total Available 779,119.31; Transfer Out 0; Cash
Balance, February 28, 2007 779,119.31; FOOD SERVICE: Cash
Balance, February 1, 2007 6,477.55; Receipts: Sales
12,359.05; Community & Youth Inv. 0; State Food Reimbursement
8,385.78; Total Receipts 20,744.83; Total Available
27,222.38; Disbursements 13,779.99; Payroll 13,211.63; Cash
Balance, February 28, 2007 230.76; FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS: Cash
Balance, February 1, 2007 329,612.56; Receipts: Interest
1,094.94; Resale 3,892.49; Freshman Class 129.11; Sophomore
Class 107.30; Student Council 262.59; Region Gymnastics
694.00; District Boys Basketball 1,512.00; District Girls
Basketball 1,379.39; Triple S Group 305.00; Big Dakota
Volleyball 1,027.20; Contracted Tourneys 2,236.05;
Gymnastics Fundraisers 275.43; Total Receipts 12,915.50;
Transfers into the Account 5,739.17; Total Available
348,267.23; Disbursements 16,268.88; Cash Balance, February
28, 2007 331,998.35.
C. Note Budget Report
D. Approve the Regular Bills
Ace Hardware, Supplies 94.06; Alltel, Cell Phone 63.95;
American Linen Supply, Supplies 280.06; Auto Owners Insurance,
Vehicle Insurance 3,068.06; BP, Gas 1,246.69; Best Business
Products, Repairs 942.58; Blue Ribbon Maintenance, Supplies
195.72; Brookings Inn, Lodging 90.00; Bureau of
Administration, Telephone 29.02; Castlewood Schools, Supplies
257.55; Capital Journal, Minutes & Advertising 220.05;
Capital Sports, Supplies 45.00; Child & Adult Nutrition
Services, Food 257.69; Cole Paper, Supplies 828.15;
Component Design, Supplies- 84.18; Connecting Point, Repairs
151.00; Conoco, Gas 53.58; Dakota Supply Group, Supplies
122.62; Dean Foods, Milk 1,640.52; Earthgrains, Food 571.12;
Flinn Scientific, Supplies 1,096.68; Forell Limo Service, Bus
Charters 4,250.00; City of Fort Pierre, Utilities 5,858.06;
FSH Communications, Telephone 116.60; Gales Gas, Propane
1,283.10; Glass Products, Repairs 111.54; Golden West
Telephone, Telephone 142.64; Gray Lines of the Black Hills,
Chartered Buses 1,298.07; H&H Repair, Repairs 150.99;
Haggertys Musicworks, Supplies & Repairs 351.00; Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, Supplies 35.19; Harkers, Food 2,335.45;
Johnson Controls, Repairs 2,314.00; Jostens, Yearbook
2,450.00; Larrys Plumbing, Repairs 1,199.38; M&N
Communications, Repairs 70.29; May-Adam-Gerdes-Thompson, Prof.
Services 34.00; Monick Pipe, Supplies 283.61; Montana Dakota
Utilities, Utilities 7,158.10; OMNI Cheer, Awards 117.60;
22X, Prof. Services 880.00; Pitney Bowes, Royalty Fees
253.33; Pitney Bowes, Postage 1,000.00; Prairie Pages,
Supplies 41.52; Praxair, Supplies 167.60; Qwest, Telephone
129.54; Ramada Inn, Lodging 1,248.00; Ramkota Inn, Lodging
552.00; Recorded Books, Textbooks 234.29; Reinhart, Food
5,091.74; Right Turn, Tuition 838.20; Robins Water, Water
305.98; School Specialty, Supplies 89.96; SD Speech &
Language, Registration 110.00; Servall Uniforms, Supplies
118.77; Shell, Bus Gas 339.53; Kathleen Siebrasse, Library
Media 22.75; Laura Snow, Meals 61.00; Software Services,
Repairs 622.50; 22X, Prof. Services 1,116.80; Stanley County
Booster Club, Ticket Sellers 73.50; Stanley County School
District, Imprest 2,510.48; Titze Electric, Repairs 376.46;
Town & Ranch Market, Supplies/Food 298.55; US Food Service,
Food 2,065.80; Walmart, Supplies 249.41; West Central
Electric, Utilities 414.79; The Writing Company, Supplies
35.46; WR/LJ Rural Water, Water 105.00; WW Tire Service,
Repairs 86.65: GRAND TOTAL BILLS APPROVED $60,337.51. (A more
detailed listing is in the Administration Office of the
Elementary Building.
E. Note Imprest Expenses
Redfield FCCLA, Registration 363.00; Region VII Music,
Registration 80.00; Lariat Lanes, Bowling 44.00; SD Reading
Council, Registration 112.00; Section 8002, Membership Fees
100.00; SDASSP, Registration 50.00; Eric Booth, Official
50.00; Quint Garnos, Official (90.72); Guy Hunter, Clock
20.00; Gloria Lawrence, Scorekeeper 362.50; Steve Leber,
Official 20.00; William Olander, Official 25.00; Brad
Remmich, Official (60.00); Dan Rounds, Official (35.00);
Terry Tople, Clock 362.50; Louis Young, Official (5.00); Guy
Hunter, Wrestling Meals 570.00; Noel Gabriel, Official
95.00; Lee Johnson, Official 127.20; Guy Hunter, Gymnastics
Meals 320.00; TOTAL IMPREST EXPENSES $2,510.48.
F. Approve Resignations
Brenda Bak
David Tate Football Coach
Tim Burgard Boys Basketball Coach
Superintendent Brad Caldwell recommended to not review the
quotations submitted by area vendors for the purchase of a used
school vehicle. Bid specifications for a low-mileage vehicle
will be prepared and the results of bids will be reported at the
regular April Board meeting. The Board concurred with the
Superintendents recommendations.
Athletic Director Guy Hunter reported that a notice has been
sent to all facilities and personnel who maybe interested in
filling an athletic trainer position for the Stanley County
School District. A job description for the position is presented
with the notice. A thank you was expressed to Jamie Jones for
performing athletic training service, free of charge, during
this school year. The Board requested that the Athletic Director
follow up the notices with a personal telephone call. An update
of the proposed addition of cross-country and competitive
cheerleading was discussed. Sideline cheerleaders are
auditioning for positions for the 2007-2008 school year during
the month of March. The decision to not allow students to
participate in two sports during one session was discussed, and
the Board recommended that this practice be left with the
coaching staff. A faculty/student fund raiser basketball game is
scheduled for April 12 at the Parkview gymnasium. The girls
basketball team has rescheduled its fundraiser at the Pizza
Ranch in Fort Pierre to March 21. Local businesses were thanked
for their support of all activities during this school year. It
was noted that Board President Sonny Harrowa donated his board
members payment check to the school in order to purchase a new
computer printer for activities.
Superintendent Brad Caldwell reported that an English and
Spanish teaching position will be open for the 2007-2008 school
year. It was recommended if the position could not be filled for
the Spanish job that the DDN be used to continue the class. The
Board recommended taking full advantage of the DDN system in the
Stanley County School District.
Principal Merry Bleeker reported that on March 8, the K-5
students participated in a mini concert. March 13 will be school
picture day for students. Parent Teacher Conferences are
scheduled for March 19 and 20 in fifteen minute blocks for the
elementary. Standardized student testing will be during the
month April. Kindergarten Round-up has been set for April 23 and
Jennifer Milliken reported the Spring Play will be a musical on
April 27 and 28 and will include a dinner theater, speeches by
elementary students, and a sock hop dance.
Principal Brian Doherty reported that the high school science,
english, art, family and consumer science, and the social
studies teaching positions will be advertised. An employment
section will be added to the Stanley County School Districts
web page for further information. March 14 will be the end of
the third nine-week period for the middle and high school.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be March 19 and 20 from 4 P.M.
to 7 P.M.
Norman moved, seconded by Nutter, to approve the open enrollment
application for #570011980797. All voted aye.
Superintendent Brad Caldwell recommended changes to the high
school curriculum. Additional requirements for graduation would
be implemented over a three-year period. A proposed change in
the Middle/High School Student Handbook for absences will be
presented at the April Board meeting.
Norman moved, seconded by Duffy, to adopt the following
RESOLUTION #6-2007 Let it be resolved, that the School Board
of the Stanley County School District #57-1 transfer the
following cash balance from the Impact Aid Fund to the General
TO: General Fund $ 288,029.89
FROM: Impact Aid Fund $ 288,029.89
All voted aye.
Superintendent Brad Caldwell reported the Building Committee
will meet for the first time before the regular April Board
meeting. The parking lot next to the Community and Youth
Involved Center needs repairs, and discussions have taken place
with the City of Fort Pierres Mayor for help with the project.
Legislation passed during the 2007 session was discussed which
included HB 1171, the Teacher Compensation Bill. The Stanley
County School District has been contacted by the South Dakota
Coalition of Schools to join the statewide state aid lawsuit.
The proposal will be discussed further in April.
Laura Snow, Band Director, reported the Symphonic Band and High
School Jazz Band will perform at the Region VII Music Contest on
March 13, the Band Festival will be in Presho, South Dakota,
next week, the Spring Concert will be March 29 at 7 P.M. and the
annual band and jazz contests will be in April, 2007.
Norman moved, seconded by Nutter, to go into Executive Session
according to SDCL 1-25-2 for personnel at 7:35 P.M. All voted
President Sonny Harrowa declared the Board out of Executive
Session at 8:12 P.M.
Duffy moved, seconded by Norman, to accept the recommendations
of the Administration to offer contracts for the 2007-2008
school year. Contracts offered are as follows: Shari Beeghly,
Tim Burgard, Linda Clair, Vera Cronin, Kim Doherty, William
Ellwanger, Mike Falconer, Michelle Glodt, Lori Gloe, Roxanne
Harms, Lee Heibel, Michelle Humann, Guy Hunter, Connie Johnson,
Carol King, Joyce Larsen, Steve Leber, Jennifer Milliken, Mary
Olson, Denise Overweg, Jenifer Palmer, Bobbi Jo Parker, Bria
Peppel, Kathy Riedy, Tiffany Roderick, Tom Rogers, Barbara Rose,
Elizabeth Rus, Lois Russell, Maria Scott, Krystal Simons, Laura
Snow, Barbara Sogaard, Karen Somsen, Tom Stotts, Shirley
Swanson, David Tate, Julie Willoughby and Jeri Wilcox.
All voted aye.
Norman moved, seconded by Nutter, to go into Executive Session
according to SDCL 1-25-2 for personnel at 8:15 P.M. All voted
President Sonny Harrowa declared the Board out of Executive
Session at 8:25 P.M.
Duffy moved, seconded by Nutter, to adjourn at 8:26 P.M. All
voted aye.