The Stanley County
School District, #57-1, Board of Education met in regular
session February 12, 2007, 5:30 P.M., in the Middle School
Learning Center with Sonny Harrowa, John Duffy, Darby Nutter,
Bridget Miller and Mork Norman present. Others in attendance
were Superintendent Brad Caldwell, Business Manager Kevin
Merscheim and Principals Merry Bleeker and Brian Doherty.
Visitors were Rebecca Cruse, Paula Alexander, Kim Doherty,
Shirley Swanson, Jamie Jones, Teresa Johnson, Shane Cronin,
Shelby Gienger, Julie Willoughby, Marissa Jacobsen, Brittany
Kenzy and Parents of Honored Students.
President Sonny Harrowa called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
Shelby Gienger sang the national anthem.
Miller moved, seconded by Nutter, to adopt the agenda as
amended. All voted aye.
Nutter moved, seconded by Norman, to approve the Consent
Calendar as amended. All voted aye.
A. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 8,
2007, and Special Meeting of January 23, 2007.
B. Approve the Financial Reports
GENERAL FUND: Cash Balance, January 1, 2007 588,020.08;
Receipts: Taxes 12,962.77; Interest 1,209.57; Misc. Revenue
2,138.11; State Aid 80,797.00; Misc. State Revenue 975.00;
Admissions 3,174.10; Yearbooks 35.00; Refund 99.80; Title
1 17,601.00; Title 5 1,760.00; Title 2 21,570.00; Drug
Free Schools funds 4,184.00; Total Receipts 146,506.35;
Transfers into the Account 1,017.82; Total Available
735,544.25; Disbursements 122,677.27; Payroll 146,858.75;
Transfer Out 25,017.45; Cash Balance, January 31, 2007
440,990.78; CAPITAL OUTLAY: Cash Balance, January 1, 2007
32,615.23; Receipts: Taxes 2,063.64; Interest 74.21; Total
Receipts 2,137.85; Total Available 34,753.08; Disbursement
1,524.61; Cash Balance, January 31, 2007 33,228.47; SPECIAL
EDUCATION: Cash Balance, January 1, 2007 472,245.36; Receipts:
Taxes 2,109.31; Interest 1,288.55; Title VIB 9,960.70;
Preschool Grant 352.50; Total Receipts 13,711.06; Total
Available 485,956.42; Disbursements 97.60; Payroll
25,068.20; Cash Balance, January 31, 2007 460,790.62; PENSION
FUND: Cash Balance, January 1, 2007 505.23; Receipts: Taxes
506.29: Interest 0; Total Receipts 506.29; Total Available
1,011.52; Payroll 0; Cash Balance, January 31, 2007
1,011.52; IMPACT AID: Cash Balance, January 1, 2007
773,405.73; Receipts: Interest 2,870.94; Total Receipts
2,870.94; Total Available 776,276.67; Transfer Out 0; Cash
Balance, January 31, 2007 776,276.67; FOOD SERVICE: Cash
Balance, January 1, 2007 (24,647.06); Receipts: Sales
12,577.46; Community & Youth Inv. 9,043.60; State Food
Reimbursement 5,799.76; Total Receipts 27,420.82; Transfer
In 25,000.00; Total Available 27,773.76; Disbursements
9,652.77; Payroll 11,643.44; Cash Balance, January 31, 2007
6,477.55; FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS: Cash Balance, January 1, 2007
327,981.87; Receipts: Interest 1,131.21; Resale 5,363.59;
Freshman Class 175.00; Southern Plains Tourney 1,855.75;
Student Council 1,177.00; Letterwinners 300.00; Gymnastics
Fundraiser 350.46; Band 38.00; Triple S Group 50.00;
Coaches Fundraisers 1,004.00; Total Receipts 11,445.01;
Transfers into the Account 6,478.66; Total Available
345,905.54; Disbursements 16,292.98; Cash Balance, January 31,
2007 329,612.56.
C. Note Budget Report
D. Approve the Regular Bills
All-Around Graphics, Supplies 195.00; Alltel, Cell Phone
63.95; Alltel Communications, Supplies 44.99; Americinn,
Lodging 280.00; American Linen, Supplies 349.91; ASBO,
Membership 135.00; BP, Gas 408.35; Shari Beeghly, Mileage
184.32; Bernard Foods, Food 149.26; Best Business Products,
Supplies & Repairs 1,237.50; Merry Bleeker, Mileage 22.00;
Bureau of Administration, Telephone 42.51; Capital Journal,
Minutes & Advertising 222.11; Capital Sports, Supplies
288.00; James & Judy Carter, Parent Mileage 2,050.56; Center
for Disabilities, Registration 110.00; Child and Adult
Nutrition Services, Food 257.69; Christy Lumber, Supplies
747.72; Cole Paper, Supplies 3,006.31; Comfort Inn-Rapid City,
Lodging 45.00; Comfort Inn-Sioux Falls, Lodging 419.93;
Conoco, Gas 79.50; Dean Foods, Milk 2,011.35; Earthgrains,
Food 643.69; Envirotech Waste Service, Waste Disposal
672.20; Mike Falconer, Meals 52.00; Follett Educational,
Textbooks 195.00; Forell Limo Service, Bus Charters
1,037.00; Fort Pierre Body Shop, Repairs 204.60; City of Fort
Pierre, Utilities 5,512.00; Gales Gas, Propane 1,043.40;
Gettysburg Inn & Suites, Lodging 290.00; Glass Products,
Repairs 35.71; Golden West Telephone, Telephone 36.60;
Golden West Technologies, Supplies 145.00; Gray Lines of the
Black Hills, Chartered Buses 3,067.17; Great Source Education,
Supplies 41.00; H&H Repair, Repairs 1,827.73; Haggertys
Musicworks, Supplies & Repairs 1,041.56; Greg & Deb Haka,
Parent Mileage 389.76; Byron & Tracey Hand, Parent Mileage
506.88; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Supplies 186.74; Harkers,
Food 2,939.08; Harves Sport Shop, Supplies 23.90; Ron &
Joanne Heckenlaible, Parent Mileage 137.60; Kris & Tami Herren,
Parent Mileage 869.12; Dana & Annis Iversen, Parent Mileage
1,292.80; Jostens, Supplies 734.85; Jostens, Supplies 30.04;
Karls Inc., Supplies 273.99; Kleins Office Plus, Supplies
128.88; Larrys Plumbing, Repairs 1,539.34; Kent & Misti
Lewis, Parent Mileage 549.12; Scott & Paula Lind, Parent
Mileage 380.80; Literacy Empowerment, Supplies 195.00; Medco,
Supplies 340.00; Diana Melvin, Parent Mileage 758.40;
Melvins Flower Shop, Supplies 53.50; MENC, Dues 87.00;
Stacy & Vicki Miles, Parent Mileage 779.52; Jennifer Milliken,
Supplies 55.08; Montana Dakota Utilities, Utilities
8,136.75; Morris, Repairs 937.80; NASCO, Supplies 73.24; Zay
Norman, Parent Mileage 92.16; Tim & Diane Olson, Parent
Mileage 276.48; Marshall & Stephanie Owens, Parent Mileage
215.04; Peitz Service, Repairs 211.41; Pepper At Eckroth,
Supplies 186.44; Perma Bound, Library Media 10.11; 22X,
Prof. Services 2,490.00; Pioneer Drama Service, Supplies
98.00; Pitney Bowes, Postage 500.00; Playscripts, Supplies
35.00; Positive Promotions, Supplies 141.80; Praxair, Supplies
237.59; Precision Micro Service, Supplies 285.00; Arlen
Prince, Parent Mileage 184.32; Qwest, Telephone 148.44; Doug
& Annette Reiman, Parent Mileage 1,266.56; Reinhart, Food
5,421.95; Renaissance Learning, Supplies 398.00; Right Turn,
Tuition 983.30; Robins Water, Water 170.05; Eldean & Renee
Ryckman, Parent Mileage 556.80; SD Dept. of Health, County Nurse
911.67; Scholastic, Library Media 195.35; School Specialty,
Supplies 1,145.61; Karla & Kevin Scott, Parent Mileage
380.80; Todd Scott, Parent Mileage 645.12; SD Interscholastic,
Registration 155.00; SD Reading Council, Registration
258.00; Servall Uniforms, Supplies 99.12; Shell, Bus Gas
259.40; Krystal Simons, Mileage 217.28; Krystal Simons,
Mileage 198.84; SLD Lighting, Supplies 252.00; Lonnie &
Rebecca Smith, Parent Mileage 716.80; Software Services,
Repairs 113.75; South Western Publishing, Supplies 151.66;
22X, Prof. Services 2,508.95; Stanley County Booster Club,
Ticket Sellers 246.47; Stanley County School District, Imprest
5,714.67; State Property Management, Supplies 60.00; State
Publishing, Supplies 244.75; Sun Opta, Food 80.90; Teachers
Discovery, Supplies 1,650.32; Thunderbird Lodge, Lodging
220.00; Raymond & Darla Tibbs, Parent Mileage 460.80; Darren &
Kelly Tibbs, Parent Mileage 852.48; Titze Electric, Repairs
974.86; Town & Ranch Market, Supplies/Food 440.65; US Food
Service, Food 2,098.00; US News & World Report, Periodicals
158.40; VISA, Supplies 2,084.60; Walker Refuse, Waste Disposal
335.55; Walmart, Supplies 146.52; West Central Electric,
Utilities 340.35; Wholesale Electronics, Supplies 1,134.75;
Julie Willoughby, Meals 35.00; The Writing Company, Supplies
152.07; WR/LJ Rural Water, Water 112.50; WW Tire Service,
Repairs 24.95; Kyle & Anita Wyly, Parent Mileage 668.16;
GRAND TOTAL BILLS APPROVED $89,949.36. (A more detailed listing
is in the Administration Office of the Elementary Building.
E. Note Imprest Expenses
Wagner Community School, Refund 50.00; Region VII Music, Entry
Fees 88.00; Pierre School District, Registration 90.00; SD-ACDC,
Registration 60.00; SDTEA, Registration 30.00; SDSU,
Registration 40.00; DCI, Background Checks 88.00; Natl.
Assoc. of Federally Impacted Schools, Registration 150.00;
Eric Booth, Official 75.00; Rob Davis, Official 225.00;
Brian Doherty, Official 125.00; Noel Gabriel, Official
215.00; Randy Kludt, Official 240.00; Steven Leber, Official
65.00; Ed Marts, Official 240.00; V. Thomas McGough, Official
166.08; Jeremy Mikkelsen, Official 150.04; Jenifer Palmer,
Official 140.00; Brett Sether, Official 120.00; Greg Warren,
Official 393.60; Louis Young, Official 155.00; Parker School
District, Entry Fees 80.00; Haakon, School District, Entry
Fees 60.00; Lyman School District, Entry Fees 50.00;
Parkston School District, Entry Fees 50.00; Webster School
District, Entry Fees (50.00); Warren Friesz, Official
114.40; Quint Garnos, Official 60.00; Sarah Seamands, Official
35.00; Jeff Turning Heart, Official 57.60; Pam Arneson,
Official 258.40; Merry Bleeker, Official 40.00; Kim Davis,
Official 115.00; Rose Dubois, Official 140.00; Gloria
Garrity, Official 65.00; Michelle Humann, Official 115.00;
Linda Hunter, Hospitality Room 25.00; Julie King, Official
372.16; Darci Love, Official 100.00; Shavonne Mitchell,
Official 325.00; Jessica Pearson, Official 50.00; Rebecca
Uhrig, Official 325.00; Scott VanDenHemel, Official 75.00;
Brian Wieczorek, Official 75.00; Madison High School, Entry
Fees 60.00; Chamberlain High School, One Act Plays Fees
211.39; TOTAL IMPREST EXPENSES $5,714.67.
F. Approve Resignations
William Olander
Cheryl Sorenson
The Board expressed their appreciation to William Olander for
twenty-four years and Cheryl Sorenson for six years of service
to the Stanley County School District.
The Board recognized the following students in grades three
through five who have received all As and students in grades
six through twelve for achieving at least a 3.6 grade-point
average for the second nine-weeks of the school year. President
Sonny Harrowa and Superintendent Brad Caldwell presented the
Kari Anderson
Brittany Kenzy
Sarah Jeffries
Lindsey Rogers
Jason Cornelison
Taylor Olson
Christa Wolf
Kristine Lehrkamp
Clayton Reinhard
Kenna Wieczorek
Megan Arneson
Thomas Tolton
Wyatt Johnson
John Ricketts
Madison Hand
Cade Larson
Austin Brown
Ali Scott
Joni Willoughby
Lukas Chase
Colten Drageset
Martee Larson
Daniel Slama
Kelsy VanDenHemel |
Marissa Jacobsen
Tomisue Humble
Kassy Norman
Stormi Wagner
Patrick Neff
Seth Lopour
Bailey Henniger
Jacob Miller
Joshua Rogers
Courtney Ziebart
Shelby Gienger
Shantel Norman
Lexi Lopour
Breeze Olson
Avery Johnson
Hailey Norman
Carly Harrowa
Tawnee Whitley
Adam Wyly
Kaycee Cronin
Shale Kramme
Kady Nielsen
Ashley Theobald
Teresa Johnson and
Shane Cronin, representing the Right Turn, reported the success
of the student services that have been contracted by the Stanley
County School District. Next years proposed contract will
increase to $10,663 because of decreases in funding and
increased costs.
Miller moved, seconded by Norman, to continue participation in
the Right Turn program for the 2007-2008 school year. All voted
Brittany Kenzy and Marissa Jacobson, representing the Student
Council, reported the future activities of the group. Valentines
will be sold on February 14 to students; there will be a
Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser; a Pizza Ranch fundraiser will be
February 26, and the school carnival and dance will be March 30,
Athletic Director Guy Hunter reported information recently
received on the competitive cheer and dance programs sponsored
by the South Dakota High School Activities Association. These
programs are being offered because of the noncompliance with
Title 9 regulations both statewide and with the Stanley County
School District. The restarting of the cross-country program may
be possible. A future program to be discussed will be softball
as sanctioned high school sports. An informational forum about
the competitive cheer and dance programs will be February 26 on
the DDN. The proposal will be discussed again at the regular
March Board meeting.
Jamie Jones, athletic trainer, presented information and
proposed multiple options for the services of an athletic
trainer for the Stanley County High School. Athletic Director,
Guy Hunter was requested to provide various options and costs to
the Board at a later date.
Superintendent Brad Caldwell presented for the second reading of
the amended Harassment Policy as recommended during the recent
Civil Rights review of the Stanley County School District. Final
approval of the policy was postponed until after Board Member
Bridget Miller attends a Sexual Misconduct Seminar later this
Board Members John Duffy and Sonny Harrowa reported on the
negotiations with the South Dakota Department of Transportation
about the reconstruction of highway 83 on school property. The
project will proceed from Second Avenue to the Holiday Inn
Express this summer. The road adjacent to school property will
be delayed for one year. Additional funding will be investigated
to purchase needed safety equipment from state and federal
Principal Merry Bleeker reported the process for nominating a
local recipient as the South Dakota Teacher of the Year has been
started. Nomination forms are available with a deadline of
February 16, 2007. Melissa Stewart is doing her student teaching
in Mrs. Sogaards second grade class until May 7, 2007. Megan
Burns has been assigned as the educational assistant in the
Kindergarten class for the remainder of the school year. DARE
graduation will be held on February 22 at 4 P.M. in the high
school gym for twenty fifth grade students. Deputy Dave Ludweg
is the DARE officer.
Kim Doherty reported the Math Counts Chapter Competition was
February 10 in Pierre, and Jacob Miller will compete at the
State competition in March.
Principal Brian Doherty and Mike Falconer discussed with the
Board a letter received that asked for support from the
administration to select and encourage students to attend Boys
and Girls State and also for attendance at weekly Rotary
meetings in Pierre.
Duffy moved, seconded by Miller, to approve the open enrollment
applications for #570011980793, #570011980795 and #570011980796
and to deny approval of #570011980794. All voted aye.
Superintendent Brad Caldwell recommended changes to the high
school curriculum and requirement. It was proposed to increase
the graduation requirements from twenty-two to twenty-four.
Additional classes for seniors such as math and science classes
in preparation for college attendance would be required.
Comments are being requested by Superintendent Brad Caldwell
before the March Board meeting.
The Board and Superintendent Brad Caldwell discussed the current
usage of the high school classrooms. With additional classes to
be offered, the need for additional classroom space was
discussed. The Board requested the Building Committee reconvene
and prepare a Needs Assessment for the use of the buildings.
Superintendent Brad Caldwell recommended the Board review the
need for a middle/high school art position. The restart of the
Smart Classroom and moving the teachers workroom to another
room was also discussed. Legislative bills currently being
proposed during this years session were reviewed by the Board.
Teachers and Administrators will be traveling to Mission on
February 16 for a teacher in-service.
Paula Alexander representing the Stanley County Booster Club
thanked the Board for competing in the chili/soup cook-off on
February 2, 2007, during the Stanley County versus Lyman County
double header ballgame.
Shirley Swanson visited with the Board and set the first
certified negotiations session in early March.
Nutter moved, seconded by Miller, to go into Executive Session
according to SDCL 1-25-2 for personnel at 8:16 P.M. All voted
President Sonny Harrowa declared the Board out of Executive
Session at 8:59 P.M.
Duffy moved, seconded by Miller, to extend the contracts to
Superintendent Brad Caldwell, Principals Merry Bleeker and Brian
Doherty and Business Manager Kevin Merscheim for the 2007-2008
school year. All voted aye.
Miller moved, seconded by Norman, to adjourn at 9 P.M. All voted