The Stanley County
School District, #57-1, Board of Education met in special
session September 22, 2006, at 3:30 P.M., in the High School
Library with Sonny Harrowa, Bridget Miller, Mork Norman, John
Duffy and Darby Nutter present. Others in attendance were
Superintendent Brad Caldwell, Business Manager Kevin Merscheim
and Principal Brian Doherty. Visitors were Rebecca Cruse, Craig
Rutschke, Jim Hyde, Karen Olson and Sam Tidball.
President Sonny Harrowa called the meeting to order at 3:30 P.M.
President Sonny Harrowa led the pledge of allegiance.
Jim Hyde and Karen Olson representing the South Dakota
Department of Transportation presented preliminary drawings for
the Highway 83 road project through Fort Pierre. The proposal
would widen the road by the Parkview building. The Board
expressed their concern with the safety issues of the proposed
road construction and requested addition changes be made to the
project. The width of the sidewalk on all school property, the
replacement of fencing on the property, the loss of parking
space and its replacement, and the addition of a traffic light
for pedestrian crossing by the Elementary Building were all
suggested. The Board will further discuss their proposals for
the project at the October 10, 2006, Board meeting.
Duffy moved, seconded by Miller, to adjourn at 4:56 P.M. All
voted aye.