The Stanley County School District, #57-1,
Board of Education met in regular session February 13,
2006, 5:30 P.M., at the high school learning center with
Gary Johnson, Darby Nutter, John Bucholz, Mork Norman
and Bridget Miller present. Others in attendance were
Superintendent Larry Jaske, Business Manager Kevin
Merscheim and Principal Merry Bleeker. Visitors were
Rebecca Cruse, Arlene Krueger, Roxanne Harms, Linda
Clair, Kathy Riedy, Kim Doherty, Craig Rutschke, Shirley
Swanson, Jennifer Milliken, Mike Falconer, Laura Snow,
Shawn Flottmeyer and many honored students and their
President Gary Johnson called the meeting to order at
5:30 P.M.
President Gary Johnson led the pledge of allegiance.
Bucholz moved, seconded by Nutter, to adopt the agenda
as amended. All voted aye.
Bucholz moved, seconded by Miller, to approve the
Consent Calendar with the understanding the activity and
athletic resignations are contingent upon finding
suitable replacements. The Board recognized Diane
Stofferahn for twenty-five years and Glennys Case for
twenty-six years of service to the Stanley County School
District. All voted aye.
A. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January
9, 2006 and
special meetings January 26, February 2 and February 6,
B. Approve the Financial Reports
GENERAL FUND: Cash Balance, January 1, 2006
520,317.81; Receipts: Taxes 13,230.92; Interest
902.12; Misc. Revenue 2,253.35; Admissions 3,156.01;
State Aid 113,446.33; Medicaid Payments 4,187.00;
Insurance Proceeds 1,263.43; Total Receipts
138,439.16; Transfers into the Account 302.72; Total
Available 659,059.69; Disbursements 114,012.63;
Payroll - 134,291.44; Transfer Out 17.45; Cash
Balance, January 31, 2006 410,738.17; CAPITAL OUTLAY:
Cash Balance, January 1, 2006 51,076.23; Receipts:
Taxes 1,557.29; Interest 65.63; Total Receipts
1,622.92; Transfers into the Account 0; Total
Available 52,699.15; Disbursement 13,942.18; Cash
Balance, January 31, 2006 38,756.97; SPECIAL
EDUCATION: Cash Balance, January 1, 2006 418,898.85;
Receipts: Taxes 1,978.05; Interest 766.61; Medicaid
Payments 424.00; 94-142 Funds 10,496.70; Preschool
Funds 320.60; Total Receipts 13,985.96; Transfers
into the Account (21,127.50); Total Available
411,757.31; Disbursements 1,550.00; Payroll
22,486.56; Cash Balance, January 31, 2006 387,720.75;
PENSION FUND: Cash Balance, January 1, 2006 10,061.42;
Receipts: Taxes 455.22; Total Receipts 455.22; Total
Available 10,516.64; Payroll 9,498.22; Cash Balance,
January 31, 2006 1,018.42; IMPACT AID: Cash Balance,
January 1, 2006 741,556.39; Receipts: Interest
1,268.86; Total Receipts 1,268.86; Total Available
742,825.25; Transfer Out - 0; Cash Balance, January 31,
2006 742,825.25; FOOD SERVICE: Cash Balance, January
1, 2006 (29,581.23); Receipts: Sales 10,673.88;
Community & Youth Involved 8,137.80; Federal
Reimbursement 5,229.10; Total Receipts 24,040.78;
Total Available (5,540.45); Disbursements 10,761.97;
Payroll 12,836.64; Cash Balance, January 31, 2006
(29,139.06); FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS: Cash Balance, January
1, 2006 303,696.69; Receipts: Interest 808.37;
Resale 2,681.03; Student Council 475.00;
Letterwinners 300.00; FCCLA 300.77; Band 181.50;
Cheerleaders 33.00; Triple S Group 62.00; Gymnastics
Fundraisers 1,020.59; Volleyball Fundraisers - 150.00;
Orton School 75.00; Total Receipts 6,087.26;
Transfers into the Account 5,299.12; Total Available -
315,083.07; Disbursements 13,541.89; Cash Balance,
January 31, 2006 301,541.18.
C. Note Budget Report
D. Approve the Regular Bills
All-Around Graphics, Awards 60.00; American Choral
Directors, Dues 75.00; American Linen, Supplies
492.28; Anderson Tire, Repairs 30.45; ASBO, Membership
135.00; BP, Gas 189.99; Shari Beeghly, Mileage
294.08; Bernard Foods, Food 686.40; Best Business,
Repairs 626.59; Black Hills State University, Jazz
Festival 200.00; Black Hills Gray Lines, Bus Charter
5,557.52; 22X, Tuition 2,745.36; Merry Bleeker,
Mileage & Meals 28.56; Block & Co., Supplies 206.72;
Tamara K. Breckenridge, Reading Recovery 1,607.90;
Bureau of Administration, Telephone 121.76; Capital
Sports, Uniforms 1,685.98; Carolina Biological,
Supplies 193.91; Cellular One, Telephone 63.62; Center
for Disabilities, Registration 85.00; Chandlers,
Repairs 150.00; Child And Adult Nutrition Services,
Food 369.02; Christy Lumber, Repairs 106.78; Cole
Paper, Supplies 254.01; Comfort Inn, Lodging 479.92;
Conoco, Gas 13.83; Department of Corrections, Prof.
Services 6.39; Dakota State University, Registration
59.00; Dakota Supply Group, Supplies 479.49; Dean
Foods, Food 2,008.24; E-Rate Complete, Prof. Services
1,750.00; Earthgrains, Food 612.51; Enslow
Publishers, Supplies 668.25; Jim & Terri Englehart,
Parent Mileage 2,611.20; Michael Falconer, Repairs
15.89; Fastenal Co., Supplies 22.92; Follett
Educational, Supplies 327.75; Forell Limo Service,
Chartered Bus 3,964.00; City of Fort Pierre, Utilities
4,585.30; FSH Communications, Telephone 117.80;
Gales Gas, Utilities 1,066.84; Gander Publishing,
Supplies 174.85; Golden West Telephone, Telephone
244.66; Haggertys Musicworks, Repairs & Supplies
1,915.58; Greg & Deb Haka, Parent Mileage 716.80;
Byron & Tracey Hand, Parent Mileage 605.44;
Harcourt-Brace-Jovanovich, Supplies 291.40; Harkers,
Food 2,093.18; Ron & Joanne Heckenlaible, Parent
Mileage 136.00; Hillyard, Supplies 398.87; Hipple
Printing, Advertising & Minutes 192.40; Hobart Sales,
Repairs 20.80; Hogens Hardware, Supplies 3.99; Dana
& Annis Iversen, Parent Mileage 1,228.80; Janitors
Closet, Supplies 222.60; Larry Jaske, Travel 24.00;
Connie Johnson, Mileage 387.20; Kim Jones, Mileage
35.20; Kleins Office Plus, Supplies 207.91; Larrys
Plumbing, Repairs 12,625.45; Library Video, Supplies
553.20; Scott & Paula Lind, Parent Mileage 385.28;
Loopys, Supplies 12.00; May-Adam-Gerdes-Thompson,
Prof. Services 43.50; Mark & Diana Melvin, Parent
Mileage 825.60; MENC, Membership 123.00; Stacy &
Vicki Miles, Parent Mileage 752.64; Montana Dakota
Utilities, Utilities 8,019.03; Zay Norman, Parent
Mileage 88.32; Tim & Diane Olson, Parent Mileage
268.80; Oriental Trading, Supplies 19.85; Marshall &
Stephanie Owens, Parent Mileage 204.80; Pepper At
Eckroth, Supplies 461.70; Perma-Bound, Library Media
21.15; 22X. Prof. Services 1,130.00; Pierre Auto
Parts, Repairs 867.00; Pierre Solid Waste, Waste
Disposal 6.96; Pioneer Drama Service, Supplies
96.95; Play To Learn, Supplies 134.81; Arlene H.
Prince, Parent Mileage 179.20; Qwest, Telephone
128.55; Doug & Annette Reiman, Parent Mileage
1,464.32; Reinhard Instructional, Food 5,481.20;
Renaissance Learning, Supplies 324.95; Kathy Riedy,
Supplies 9.00; Right Turn, Tuition 1,521.72; Robins
Water Condting, Water 184.40; Runnings, Supplies
90.97; Elizabeth Rus, Supplies 74.41; Eldean & Renee
Ryckman, Parent Mileage 544.00; SDHSAA, Sportsmanship
Summit 50.00; School Administrators of South Dakota,
Registration 25.00; Karla & Kevin Scott, Parent
Mileage 358.40; Todd Scott, Parent Mileage 660.48;
SD Bandmasters, Membership 20.00; Second Wind
Exercise, Equipment 1,261.00; Servall Uniforms &
Linen, Supplies 111.29; Sew What Embroidery, Supplies
475.00; Kathleen Siebrasse, Library Media 27.08;
Lonnie & Rebecca Smith, Parent Mileage 752.00; Julie
Snyder, Parent Mileage 483.84; Software Services,
Repairs 422.50; 22X, Prof. Services 2,758.35; Stanley
County Booster Club, Ticket Seller 204.77; Stanley
County School District, Imprest Expenses 4,006.19;
Super 8 Motel, Lodging 165.00; Thunderbird Lodge,
Lodging 280.00; Raymond & Darla Tibbs, Parent Mileage
220.80; Darren & Kelly Tibbs, Parent Mileage 828.80;
Titze Electric, Repairs 147.76; Town & Ranch Market,
Supplies & Food 667.96; US Food Service, Food
2,042.11; VISA, Supplies 1,055.04; Walmart, Supplies
194.76; West Central Electric, Utilities 366.96; WR/LJ
Rural Water, Water 92.50; Kyle & Anita Wyly, Parent
Mileage 660.48; Youngberg & Sons, Repairs 411.00;
GRAND TOTAL BILLS APPROVED - $99,046.77. (A more
detailed listing is in the Administration Office of the
Elementary Building.
E. Note Imprest Expenses
Region VII Music, Entry Fees 190.00; SDSU Music
Department, Registration 80.00; Office of Careers,
Registration 60.00; Pierre School District,
Registration 20.00; SDTEA, Registration 30.00; Larry
Jaske, Meals & Travel 247.80; 22X, Donation 50.00;
SDASSP, Registration 50.00; UPS, Postage 33.88;
Jason Cornelison, Official 20.00; Brian Doherty,
Official 40.00; Quint Garnos, Official 188.80; Larry
Jaske, Official 100.00; Randy Kludt, Official
100.00; Steve Leber, Official 55.00; Ed Marts,
Official 215.16; Jeremy Mikkelsen, Official 70.00;
William Olander, Official 100.00; Greg Warren,
Official 186.40; Mike Cruse, Official 25.00; Aaron
Rose, Official 75.00; Chad Uhrig, Official 120.00;
Lyman School District, Entry Fees 50.00; Parker School
District, Entry Fees 80.00; Parkston School District,
Entry Fees 45.00; Philip School District, Entry Fees
50.00; Eric Booth, Official 35.00; Dave Burnett,
Official 110.68; V. Thomas McGough, Official 131.08;
Brett Sether, Official 85.00; White River School
District, Entry Fees 25.00; Merry Bleeker, Official
35.00; Pam Hegre, Official 140.00; Michelle Humann,
Official 35.00; Kari Jones, Official 35.00; Terice
Kettlehut, Official 50.00; Julie King, Official
205.92; Bonnie Miller, Official 140.00; Shavonne
Mitchell, Official 140.00; Jenifer Palmer, Official
35.00; Rose Pearce, Official 258.40; Sandy Sivertson,
Official 35.00; Madison School District, Entry Fees
60.00; Winner School District, One Act Play Fees
168.07; TOTAL IMPREST EXPENSES $4,006.19.
F. Approve Resignations
Diane Stofferahn Teacher
Glennys Case Teacher
Kathy Riedy One-Act-Play Director
Michelle Glodt Assistant Volleyball and Assistant
Track Coach
Guy Hunter Assistant Girls Basketball Coach
The Board recognized the following students in grades
three through five who received all As and students
in grade six through twelve for achieving at least a 3.6
grade-point average for the second nine-weeks of the
school year. President Gary Johnson and Superintendent
Larry Jaske presented the certificates.
Taylor Olson
Sarah Jeffries
Lindsey Rogers
Marissa Jacobsen
Sheila Ricketts
Megan Sutley
Steve Boring
Katie Fuller
Jessica Pearson
Megan Arneson
Dylan White
Haley Hand
Amber Hodgins
Kristine Lehrkamp
Clayton Reinhard
Kenna Wieczorek
Samantha Blood
Charles Swanson
Wyatt Johnson
Thomas Tolton
Wyatt Harrowa
Breeze Olson
Darian Schaefer
Avery Johnson
Hailey Norman
Bailey Tibbs
Carly Harrowa
Morgan Turney
Tawnee Whitley
Adam Wyly |
Tomisue Humble
Kassy Norman
Kari Anderson
Brittany Kenzy
Sarah Smith
Anthony Bobby
Shawn Flottmeyer
Loni McQuistion
Jessica Simons
Tyler Harrowa
James Wolf
Bailey Heninger
Robby Jefferies
Jacob Miller
Joshua Rogers
Courtney Ziebart
Seth Lopour
Christa Wolf
Shantel Norman
Tesa Carda
Lexi Lopour
John Ricketts
Morgan Deis
Cade Larson
Ashley Slama
Austin Brown
Ali Scott
Christian Uecker
Joni Willoughby
Board President Gary Johnson informed the public
of the community portion of the interview process scheduled for
February 15 and 16 and invited all interested parents to attend.
Shawn Flottmeyer, representing the Student Council, reported the
student activities scheduled for the next thirty days. Multiple
fundraisers, district and regional basketball, gymnastics and
wrestling contests, the National Honor Society induction
ceremony and other activities were reported.
The results of the Writing Assessment Test were presented by
Mike Falconer. A compiled report of test scores for the last
three years was reviewed by the Board.
The North Central Association Certification coordinator Kim
Doherty reported the vocabulary and math committees are
developing strategies and will be presented at the next meeting.
It was recommended to strengthen the requirements for math and
science to improve test scores for all high school students. It
was requested was to authorize the Steering Committee to attend
the annual NCA meeting in Chicago on April 25 and 26, 2006. The
Board requested the Administration review the proposal and
report the results at the March meeting.
Kim Doherty reported the Stanley County Math Counts students
finished in fourth place at the February 11 competition at
Bucholz moved, seconded by Norman, to approve the open
enrollment application for student #5700119980762. All voted
Superintendent Larry Jaske presented information from the absent
Principal Brian Doherty on events for the next thirty days. The
meeting with eighth-grade parents to give an overview of the new
South Dakota graduation requirements will be April 11, 2006. The
Middle/High School Scheduling Committee met on January 18 and 26
and will present the proposed schedule at the March Board
meeting. The Handbook Committee met in February and will be
proposing modifications in the future. The third-quarter midterm
grades have been posted and deficiencies will be mailed to
parents. The Board requested the new graduation requirements be
posted on the schools web site.
Principal Merry Bleeker reported the DARE graduation was
February 9, two students were winners of the Young Authors and
Young Illustrators competitions, and the date for the
kindergarten round-up will be later this spring. The Teacher
Assistance Teams training sponsored by the Masons for troubled
children has trained thirteen staff members and provided
training to revitalize two staff members.
Superintendent Larry Jaske reported that Christine
Christopherson will be helping in the library for the
third-quarter. Board members Mork Norman and John Bucholz will
meet on February 16 to review the board policy handbook.
Information was distributed about Jeri Wilcox and how to send
emails to her in the hospital. Proposed legislation to require
students to remain in school until the age of eighteen was
discussed. An informational letter from the South Dakota
Department of Transportation detailing the proposed road
construction in front of the Parkview building was reviewed by
the Board.
Norman moved, seconded by Nutter, to go into Executive Session
according to SDCL 1-25-2 for personnel or student reasons at
7:32 P.M. All voted aye.
President Gary Johnson declared the Board out of Executive
Session at 8:15 P.M.
Miller moved, seconded by Bucholz, to adjourn at 8:16 P.M. All
voted aye.