The Stanley County
School District, #57-1, Board of Education met in regular
session December 12, 2005, 5:30 P.M., at the high school
learning center with Gary Johnson, Mork Norman, Bridget Miller,
Darby Nutter and John Bucholz present. Others in attendance were
Superintendent Larry Jaske, Business Manager Kevin Merscheim and
Principal Brian Doherty. Visitors were Rebecca Cruse, Arlene
Krueger, Roxanne Harms, Linda Clair, Kathy Riedy, Daniel Mach
and Kim Doherty.
President Gary Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
President Gary Johnson led the pledge of allegiance.
Miller moved, seconded by Nutter, to adopt the agenda. All voted
Bucholz moved, seconded by Norman, to approve the Consent
Calendar. All voted aye.
A. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 14,
B. Approve the Financial Reports
GENERAL FUND: Cash Balance, November 1, 2005 207,364.91;
Receipts: Taxes 444,747.56; Interest 875.04; Misc. Revenue
78.50; Admissions - 88.00; State Aid 92,985.25; Yearbooks
60.00; Indian Education Grant - 6,337.92; National Minerals
14,240.61; Taylor Grazing 4,42085; Title 1 8,295.07; Title V
4,043.00; Title 2 17.39; Drug Free Schools Grant 5,674.00;
Total Receipts 581,485.19; Transfers into the Account
1,159.44; Total Available 790,009.54; Disbursements
131,424.71; Payroll - 133,867.80; Transfer Out 19.95; Cash
Balance, November 30, 2005 524,697.08; CAPITAL OUTLAY: Cash
Balance, November 1, 2005 24,233.62; Receipts: Taxes
85,500.81; Interest 60.13; Total Receipts 85,560.94;
Transfers into the Account 0; Total Available 109,794.56;
Disbursement 48,852.41; Cash Balance, November 30, 2005
60,942.15; SPECIAL EDUCATION: Cash Balance, November 1, 2005
292,931.16; Receipts: Taxes 108,579.72; Interest 585.90;
Misc. Revenue 528.00; State Aid 4,225.50; 94-142 Funds
31,490.10; Preschool Funds 961.80; Total Receipts
146,371.02; Total Available 439,302.18; Disbursements
11,437.01; Payroll 23,994.99; Cash Balance, November 30, 2005
403,870.18; PENSION FUND: Cash Balance, November 1, 2005
1,653.74; Receipts: Taxes 26,048.07; Total Receipts
26,048.07; Total Available 27,701.81; Payroll 25,842.81;
Cash Balance, November 30, 2005 1,859.00; IMPACT AID: Cash
Balance, November 1, 2005 739,671.96; Receipts: Interest
766.60; Total Receipts 766.60; Total Available 740,438.56;
Transfer Out - 0; Cash Balance, November 30, 2005 740,438.56;
FOOD SERVICE: Cash Balance, November 1, 2005 (29,002.33);
Receipts: Sales 15,543.67; Community & Youth Involved
4,738.80; State Reimbursement 17,938.70; Total Receipts
38,221.17; Total Available 9,218.84; Disbursements
13,371.21; Payroll 13,837.32; Cash Balance, November 30, 2005
(17,989.69); FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS: Cash Balance, November 1,
2005 318,344.74; Receipts: Interest 816.52; Resale 0;
Regional Oral Interp. 1,923.64; Student Council 177.00;
Letterwinners - 902.00; FCCLA 5,325.84; Band 3,034.16;
Triple S Group 448.00; Coaches Fundraisers 648.00; Total
Receipts 13,275.16; Transfers into the Account 5,167.37;
Total Available - 336,787.27; Disbursements 23,558.79; Cash
Balance, November 30, 2005 313,228.48.
C. Note Budget Report
D. Approve the Regular Bills
American Linen, Supplies 538.23; Anderson Tire, Repairs
493.59; ASBSD Workmans Comp Fund, Workmans Comp 64.00; Audio
Bookshelf, Supplies 140.38; Audio Graphic Systems, Supplies
495.45; BP, Gas 853.49; Best Business, Repairs 886.64; 22X,
Tuition 2,701.08; Dennis Booth Construction, Repairs
5,205.52; Tamara K. Brechenridge 1,607.90; Briggs Trucking,
Snow Removal 1,500.00; Capital Sports, Supplies 74.00;
Cellular One, Telephone 63.62; Child And Adult Nutrition
Services, Food 269.28; Childrens Health Market, Textbooks
803.50; Christy Lumber, Repairs 423.14; Linda Clair, Meals
52.00; I.E. Clark Publications, Supplies 42.25; Cole Paper,
Supplies 577.45; Dakota Gourmet, Food 60.30; Dakota One
Stop, Gas 20.16; Dakota Supply Group, Supplies 24.22; Days
Inn, Lodging 450.00; Dean Foods, Food 1,565.66; DEMCO,
Supplies 56.35; Earthgrains, Food 392.96; Fact On File,
Library Media 72.23; Fairfield Inn, Lodging 389.94; Fonder
Sewing Machine Co., Repairs 70.00; City of Fort Pierre,
Utilities 4,498.68; Four Winds Indian Books, Supplies
1,178.40; Gales Gas, Utilities 875.70; Gateway 2000,
Equipment 30,802.00; Glass Products, Repairs 78.33; Glencoe,
Textbooks 4,376.28; Glencoe/Mc Graw Hill, Textbooks 454.94;
Golden West Telephone, Telephone 251.57; Gray Lines, Bus
Charters 663.48; Grizzly Imports, Supplies 331.90; H&H
Repair, Repairs 320.61; Harkers, Food 3,007.14; Hauff
Mid-America Sports, Uniforms 2,305.80; Heuer Publishing,
Supplies 19.20; Hipple Printing, Advertising & Minutes
353.90; Hogg Restaurant, Food 345.82; Human Service Agency,
Life Skills Training 20.00; Jostens, Yearbook 2,374.00;
Karls, Repairs 94.50; Kleins Office Plus, Supplies 83.80;
Larrys Plumbing, Repairs 3,671.44; Library Store, Supplies
217.97; Live Oak Media, Supplies 64.90; Mason Crest
Publications, Supplies 779.77; May-Adam-Gerdes-Thompson, Prof.
Services 43.50; Melvins Flower Shop, Supplies 50.00;
Montana Dakota Utilities, Utilities 3,968.88; Natl. Cowboy
Museum, Supplies 205.40; North American Book Dist., Supplies
200.00; North Central Accreditation, Dues 600.00; Olson
Plumbing, Repairs 268.86; Peitz Service, Repairs 392.09;
Perma-Bound, Library Media & Supplies 216.97; Phillips 66
Company, Gas 8.04; 22X, Prof. Services 1,025.00; Pioneer
Drama Service, Supplies 9.25; Pitney Bowes, Royalty Fees
234.33; Pitney Bowes, Postage 500.00; Praxair, Supplies
116.82; Qwest, Telephone 42.82; Radio Shack, Supplies 21.98;
Ramada Inn, Lodging 719.60; Recorded Books, Supplies 891.87;
Oliver Redden, Supplies 48.00; Reinhard Instructional, Food
3,957.45; Renaissance Learning, Supplies 343.70; Kathy Riedy,
Meals 52.00; 22X, Prof. Services 31.00; Robins Water
Condting, Water 180.25; Scholastic Instructional, Supplies
215.76; School Specialty, Supplies 13.10; SDAESP, Registration
200.00; Servall Uniform, Supplies 70.79; Kathleen Siebrasse,
Library Media 204.78; Software House International, Supplies
1,123.40; Software Services, Repairs 292.50; South Dakota
Historical Society, Supplies 887.80; 22X, Prof. Services
3,765.47; Stanley County School District, Imprest Expenses
1,133.75; TIPI Press, Supplies 248.18; Titze Electric, Repairs
53.22; Town & Ranch Market, Supplies & Food 647.53; US Food
Service, Food 2,320.80; Walmart, Supplies 335.65; West
Central Electric, Utilities 354.39; West River Foundation,
Registration 1,125.00; World Almanac Education, Periodicals
19.90; WR/LJ Rural Water, Water 100.00; Youngberg & Sons,
Repairs 114.00; GRAND TOTAL BILLS APPROVED - $104,417.30. (A
more detailed listing is in the Administration Office of the
Elementary Building.
E. Note Imprest Expenses
Region VII Music, Registration 50.00; Abbott, Carlson,
Wagonlit Travel, Airline Ticket 529.29; Phillip Hubbard, Gas
12.27; Prairie Inn, Lodging 163.50; Rob Davis, Official 30.00;
Brian Doherty, Official 45.00; Steve Leber, Official 45.00;
Mobridge School, District Volleyball Loss 115.69; Jeanette
Meade, Judge 25.00; Jennifer Milliken, Judge 25.00;
Katherine Riedy, Sponsor Meals 50.00; SDHSAA, Registration
5.00; Thermo-Kool, Thermometer 38.00; TOTAL IMPREST EXPENSES
F. Approve Contract
Mark Hackett Assistant Girls Basketball Coach - $1,842.75
G. Approve Letters of Intent
Cheryl Anderson Data Entry and ISS - $8.50 per hour
Judy Fosheim Educational Assistant - $8.50 per hour
Kim Jones Educational Assistant - $8.50 per hour
Sherry Kenobbie Educational Assistant - $8.50 per hour
The North Central Association Certification coordinator Kim
Doherty reported a meeting will be held on December 13 to set
the date for site review for the North Central Accreditation.
The curriculum for the elementary and high school math
curriculum will be reviewed for consistence.
The Stanley County School District Math Counts competition will
be December 16 and the regional competition will be February 11,
2006 in Pierre.
Business Manager Kevin Merscheim reported that thirty-five Ole
Williamson Scholarship applications have been received in the
amount of $12,700.00. The freshman applications will be
re-verified in January, 2006.
Nutter moved, seconded by Miller, to authorize the payment of
the Ole Williamson Scholarships as recommended by the
Administration. All voted aye.
Miller moved, seconded by Bucholz, to approve the Combined
Election Agreement between Stanley County and the Stanley County
School District for the purpose of conducting a combined
election as provided under provisions of SDCL 13-7-10.3 and
12-2-5 for the 2006 election. All voted aye.
Principal Brian Doherty reported the clock system in the high
school has stopped working and battery clocks have been
installed as a replacement. The software for the management of
the marquee on the Parkview building is being upgraded. Progress
is being made on the new graduation requirements and parent
meetings will be planned in February. The Ole Williamson
Concession building was recently damaged. The Stanley County
sheriffs office and the insurance company have been notified.
Board members Darby Nutter, Bridget Miller and John Bucholz
reported information from the Associated School Board of South
Dakota annual area legislative meeting on December 6 in Pierre.
The Board reviewed the state aid adequacy report that was
recently released. Superintendent Larry Jaske reported the South
Dakotas Governors statewide education budget recommendations
for 2006 legislative session.
Superintendent Larry Jaske reported that the snow day was
November 28 and upon surveying the staff, seventy (70) percent
of the staff requested Friday, May 19, 2006 as the make-up day.
The South Dakota Impact Aid meeting will be in Rapid City on
December 14, 15 and 16, 2005. The National Association of
Federally Impacted Schools Winter Meeting will be January 6
through 9, 2006. The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest will
be at Parkview on January 14 starting at 8:30 A.M. The South
Dakota Department of Health has completed its annual food
service inspection for the 2005-2006 school year and we received
a score of ninety-seven (97) percentage. The South Dakota Board
of Regents annual High School to College Transition Report was
discussed by the Board. The Board and the school staff discussed
the revising and updating of the Stanley County web page. The
resignation of Superintendent Larry Jaske was presented to the
Board for approval. The Board reviewed the process of accepting
applications and conducting interviews for the superintendents
Bucholz moved, seconded by Nutter, to approve May 19, 2006 as
the make-up day for the snow day used on November 28, 2005. All
voted aye.
Bucholz moved, seconded by Miller, to accept the resignation of
Superintendent Larry Jaske effective June 30, 2006 and commended
Larry Jaske for a job well done. All voted aye.
Miller moved, seconded by Bucholz, to adjourn at 6:47 P.M. All
voted aye.