Stanley County Alumni -1980s










Katherine A. BergrenE-mail
Your City/State/Country Plano, TX
How did you hear about this site? Searched for it...
Do your children attend Stanley County? No kids
OccupationExecutive Secretary
Higher Education? USD - Vermillion
How well did school prepare you for your life? Quite well, thank you!
How would you rate this website? 8
What else would you like to see here?Alumni news (if any is available...)
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.)I sure wish we would have had computers in high school!!! You've come a lo-o-o-ong way baby!!

Derald Gross Jr.E-mail
Your City/State/Country Bethany, Louisiana
How did you hear about this site? Found it while browsing
OccupationPipe fitter, Pennzoil Refinery
Higher Education? 2 yrs
How well did school prepare you for your life? It was the key to success
How would you rate this website? Excellent
What else would you like to see here?More pics

Tina ManningE-mail
Your City/State/Country Fort Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? A friend
Do your children attend Stanley County? Yes
Higher Education? Some
OccupationAdministrative Assistant/Bookkeeper
How well did school prepare you for your life? Very well
How would you rate this website? Excellent
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):This site is great. Whoever built it did a wonderful job.


Jackie (Gross) CrossE-mail
Your City/State/Country Fort Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? Paper kids brought home
Do your children attend Stanley County? Yes
OccupationAdministrative Assistant
How well did school prepare you for your life? I thought it prepared me very well.
How would you rate this website? Great
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):Maybe some pics of the kids

Billy KellyE-mail
Your City/State/Country Fort Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? THE POS
OccupationWork in the State of SD Mail Room
How well did school prepare you for your life? OK
How would you rate this website? 9
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):HOW TO GET A HOLD OF MORE CLASS MATES




10 Year Class Reunion Photo

Haley BouchieE-mail
Your City/State/Country Jasper, GA
How did you hear about this site? Surfing the web
OccupationRetail Management/Full-time Student
Higher Education? In the process
How well did school prepare you for your life? I did learn great party planning skills
How would you rate this website? Pretty darn cool

Mary (Fischer) HealyE-mail
Your City/State/Country Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? Looking for reunion information
OccupationConsumer Affairs Investigator
Higher Education?Yes - National College - Rapid City, SD
How well did school prepare you for your life? Very Well
How would you rate this website? Very Good
What else would you like to see here?More classmates registered from the class of 1983.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):What a great idea!!!!

Jill KokeshE-mail
Your City/State/Country Denver, Colorado
How did you hear about this site? My niece, Cora Lea Baldwin
OccupationArt Instructor and Digital Textile Designer
Higher Education?BFA, University of South Dakota; Associates Degree in Multimedia and Web Design, Art Institute of Colorado; MA in progress - Digital Photography; Savannah College of Art and Design.
How well did school prepare you for your life? Looking back at our student population, SCHS's learning environment was excellent because of the small class size.
How would you rate this website? It's very informative and easy to navigate.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):I'm impressed that SCHS has a website with so much information.

Teresa (Stoeser) KeyserE-mail
Your City/State/Country Box Elder, SD
How did you hear about this site? Looked for it
OccupationTime Out Supervisor in the Douglas School District
Higher Education?Some
How well did school prepare you for your life? Very Well
How would you rate this website?7
What else would you like to see here?More pictures and scores of the sporting events. Also who gets all the awards.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):This is great

Dan Welsh 
Your City/State/Country Shoreview, MN
How did you hear about this site? Web search
OccupationMechanical Engineer - Loss Prevention Specialist
Higher Education?SD School of Mines
How well did school prepare you for your life? Good

Kevin & Karla (Shaw) ScottE-mail
Your City/State/Country Fort Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? School
Do your children attend Stanley County? Yes
OccupationWeb Development
Higher Education?Some
How well did school prepare you for your life? Some
How would you rate this website?Very Good

Michelle Maupin BarrettE-mail
Your City/State/Country Blair, OK
How did you hear about this site? Browsing
Do your children attend Stanley County? My nephew Tommy is a 1st grader there
OccupationSales Manager
Higher Education? Black Hills State Univeristy
How well did school prepare you for your life? Excellent
How would you rate this website?7
What else would you like to see here?More Alumni news. I would like to hear from my former classmates, so please e-mail or write me.

Darrell DavisE-mail
Your City/State/Country Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? From the Athletic Director
Do your children attend Stanley County? Not yet
OccupationFood Service Director, Pierre Public Schools
Higher Education?BHSU--B.S. Degree
How well did school prepare you for your life? Very Well - Life is like a box of chocolates!
How would you rate this website? More alumni news--more sports information
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.)Class of 85

Larae Gramkow Schoenfelder 
Your City/State/Country Fort Pierre, SD
Do your children attend Stanley County? Yes

Darla HannumE-mail
Your City/State/Country Fort Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? Found while looking for current year calendar
Do your children attend Stanley County? Yes
OccupationAdministrative Assistant/ Office Manager
How well did school prepare you for your life? Very well
How would you rate this website? Fantastic

Doug RungeE-mail
Your City/State/Country Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? Surfing
Do your children attend Stanley County? Brother
OccupationRetired Military US Army
Higher Education?Military and College
How well did school prepare you for your life? Being in detention and eating with Janet Williams every day taught me to converse with adults more effectively
How would you rate this website? 8
What else would you like to see here?More alumni and no current students posting on here.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):If its to be its up to me

Taunya (Weller) O'Conner 
Your City/State/Country Fort Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? School papers from child attending
Do your children attend Stanley County? Yes
Higher Education?Diploma from Mitchell Vo-Tech
How well did school prepare you for your life? Very Well
How would you rate this website? Good
What else would you like to see here?Seems to be progressing well with the change of times

Karen (Welsh) TaylorE-mail
Your City/State/Country Hampton, VA
How did you hear about this site? Surfed up Pierre/Fort Pierre and found thru the Fort Pierre Chamber link
OccupationMajor in the USAF--hoorah!
Higher Education?South Dakota State Uni--BS in Journalism and Uni of OK Masters in Human Relations
How well did school prepare you for your life? Schools can't prepare you--you just must open yourself up to experiences. And those experiences include learning from EVERYONE around you, fellow students, coaches, teachers, neighbors, workers!
How would you rate this website? It is a SUPER great idea; Thanks to those who put forth the effort.
What else would you like to see here?Are the faculty welcome to visit the site? Now that we are no longer snot-nosed teenagers, we appreciate what you were trying to drill in our heads!!
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):It has been my experience in the military that Midwest folks have a "special, undefinable" quality. We are prized for our work ethic, our temperment, our flexibility, our logic, and our service. I cannot tell you how many times I've met folks and thought, "what is it about this troop I like?" only to find out later that he/she is from Iowa, Montana, SD, ND, Minn, Neb, Wy. Keep the ethic going. Work hard and earn that reputation. Most of all, look out for each other. Outside the Midwest, that is a rare and much appreciated trait. It is especially fun to be courteous on the east coast. It really puts folks "back on their heels." People often say, "thanks" with huge surprise, and then ask, "where are you from?" I NEVER say Virginia--God Bless!

Brenda Tidball-ZeltingerE-mail
Your City/State/CountryFort Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site?Surfin'
OccupationManagement Analyst
Higher Education? University of South Dakota
How well did school prepare you for your life?Very well. SCHS Science/Math programs were especially helpful.
How would you rate this website? A+

Matt AndersonE-mail
Your City/State/CountryFrisco, Texas
How did you hear about this site? Browsing
OccupationManager/Semiconductor Field
Higher Education?Maybe
How would you rate this website? If some people from 87 would post it would be a 10
What else would you like to see here?Get email list going letting us know how the School's doing. Sports scores up coming events etc.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):Hi, everyone. Look forward to coming home in July. Keep up the good work on the site. It's starting to come along.

Lorie Holter-Fischer-Borth 
Your City/State/CountryPierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? My kids
Do your children attend Stanley County? Yes - 3. I didn't do so well in Jorgenson's class
Occupation Correctional Officer
Higher Education? Yes - USD
How well did school prepare you for your life?Everyone did a great job!
How would you rate this website? 9
What else would you like to see here?More information from the teachers along with pictures - past and present.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):Hey Matt - the web site is now a 10!

Note: Lori Borth passed away on October 15, 2009

Mark KesslerE-mail
Your City/State/CountrySan Diego, CA
How did you hear about this site? Brother and surfing the net
Do your children attend Stanley County? No, Serra High School in Tierra Santa & De Portola Middle School, CA
Occupation Chief Petty Officer United States Navy
Higher Education? Yes and then some
How well did school prepare you for your life?Pretty well! I'd I took school more serious after I graduated!
How would you rate this website? Good website! Keep up the work
What else would you like to see here?More information on the Class of 1987! More email addresses and maybe a picture section to post new and old photos! Guys yes I'm loosing my hair!
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):Hey Matt - the web site is now a 10!

Darin M. RungeE-mail
Your City/State/CountryPierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? My kids
Do your children attend Stanley County? Yes - 3. I didn't do so well in Jorgenson's class
Occupation Correctional Officer
Higher Education? Yes - USD
How well did school prepare you for your life?Everyone did a great job!
How would you rate this website? 9
What else would you like to see here?More information from the teachers along with pictures - past and present.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):Your doing a great job!

John Wulf

Your City/State/CountryPierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? Heard about it from a customer
Do your children attend Stanley County? They're not in school yet.
Occupation Computer Tech
Higher Education? A.A.S. in Telecommunications and A.A.S. in Computer Science Technology
How well did school prepare you for your life?Overall not too bad.
How would you rate this website? Fairly high, it's really coming along.
What else would you like to see here?Pictures of the students. Maybe some of the alumni.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):Technology is really creeping in to old SC, take advantage of it. It will really help in the "real world."
Hey all, nice job on the site. Be good to see some of you guys in July. Hey class of '87!

Mike FischerE-mail
Your City/State/CountryRapid City, SD
How did you hear about this site? Googled it
Occupation Mortgage Specialist
How would you rate this website? Not too bad.
What else would you like to see here?Someone should scan all of the old year books.

Patty TraversieE-mail
Your City/State/CountryBismarck, ND
How did you hear about this site? Internet - been here before
Occupation RA II - Administrative Assistant
Higher Education? Yes :)
How well did school prepare you for your life?I suppose if I would have paid more attention, it would have been better. Life is way different now than when I was in high school...
How would you rate this website? First time here, would like to see more classmates.
What else would you like to see here?Alumni pictures!..
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):Glad everything is getting up to date!
Hope everyone's doing good and taking care!

Darcy Briggs-JacksonE-mail
Your City/State/CountryLas Vegas, NV
How did you hear about this site? Ginger told me about it while she was wasting the taxpayer's money surfing the net at work.
Occupation Assistant Professor / Advisor with Regis University
Higher Education? B.S. from Northern, Master's in Public Admin from UNLV, completing a Master's in Education from Regis Univ
How well did school prepare you for your life?We received a good education.
How would you rate this website? 8 (1 - 10)
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):Considering our computer class was The Oregon Trail on Apple-McIntosh computers with Mr. Cass, the increased technology currently being used at SC is impressive - good job!

John DuffyE-mail
Your City/State/CountryFort Pierre, SD
How did you hear about this site? Surfin'
Occupation Equal Justice Fellow at Dakota Plains Legal Services
Higher Education? Yes. BA-DWU, MA-USD, JD-USD.
How well did school prepare you for your life?The school and the community prepared me well.
How would you rate this website? A success.
What else would you like to see here?A link to an SCHS/FPHS directory.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):The all-school reunion was an absolute hoot, I recommend it to anyone looking for an excuse to visit God's Country (SD). It was good to see so many people back.

Kris (Fischer) ConzetE-mail
Your City/State/CountryRapid City, SD
How did you hear about this site? My wonderful sister Mary
Occupation Division Director for the March of Dimes
Higher Education? USD
How well did school prepare you for your life?I have been going down a shameless spiral ever since I left the halls of Stanley County.
How would you rate this website? 8
What else would you like to see here?I would love to hear from any old friends and look forward to attending the reunion and catching up.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):We sure have come a long way from Mr. Cass's computer lab.

Ginger Hedman StewartE-mail
Your City/State/CountryHope, KS
How did you hear about this site? Trying to entertain myself in my office, without actually having to work - led me to SCHS website. (I work for the fed govt, what else is there to do?)
Occupation SCSEP Field Coordinator/Case Manager
Higher Education? BA-Behavioral Science, Applying to Grad school at K-State (Gerentology)
How well did school prepare you for your life?Hmmmmm......I think my lack of an answer, is an answer in itself.
How would you rate this website? Are we talking 1-10? 9 for fun/entertainment, 5 for information.
What else would you like to see here?Links for individual grad years.
Comments (our site, technology at SC, etc.):Good?

Scott HoytE-mail
Your City/State/CountryGillette, WY
How did you hear about this site? Wife found on net
Do your children attend Stanley County? Did
Occupation Heavy Equipment Operator
Higher Education? No
How well did school prepare you for your life?FOF LOL
How would you rate this website? 9

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